I-864: H1b married to USC Student


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Please advise or guide me to the right thread.

I am on H1b and my wife (US citizen) is a student and is not earning. I need some help in filling I-864.

Thanks a million for any help. :)
Read the instructions...

You can use your income, and/or a co-sponsor (your wife still has to sign one, even with $ 0.00 income).
Just make sure to include income tax return, and copies of W2s, 1099 etc.

I had forgotten -- hence, subsequent RFI. :(
Just make sure to include income tax return, and copies of W2s, 1099 etc.

I had forgotten -- hence, subsequent RFI. :(

Hey greenteanyc, I am also waiting on an RFE supposedly mailed on the 20th. I am sure its the G325A that in some twisted idiotic mistake on my behalf did not include the 4 copies for the I-485, but just one (don't ask why: just stupid).

My question all of the sudden with your response is that I noticed a plural at "W2" .

Correct me if I am wrong but they asked for only the actual evidence for the most recent year right? The 2 other years were optional?

Or was your RFI on the 2 other years info? If so, I guess my RFE/RFI will request that too...

OH well, just have to wait and see...


I am in the exact same position. I called INS and they said its absolutely ok to file 864 along with proof of income ( past w2's etc ) . They guys here are awesome and I love this forum. Feel free to discuss with me if you want to. Have you started filing ?
Thanks everyone.

hey michigandollar, i'm on the last stage of completing the forms. just have to do a proof reading. will try to mail by the weekend. i may have some more questions regarding the form, especially Part 5. some of the instructions are kind of ambiguous :confused: keep in touch.
Hey greenteanyc, I am also waiting on an RFE supposedly mailed on the 20th. I am sure its the G325A that in some twisted idiotic mistake on my behalf did not include the 4 copies for the I-485, but just one (don't ask why: just stupid).

My question all of the sudden with your response is that I noticed a plural at "W2" .

Correct me if I am wrong but they asked for only the actual evidence for the most recent year right? The 2 other years were optional?

Or was your RFI on the 2 other years info? If so, I guess my RFE/RFI will request that too...

OH well, just have to wait and see...

Yeah, W2s because we also wrote down my income and I forgot to send my income tax return, W2, 1099 also.

It's 1 year with 2 more years optional I think.

Yeah, W2s because we also wrote down my income and I forgot to send my income tax return, W2, 1099 also.

It's 1 year with 2 more years optional I think.


Thanks. I finally had gotten my RFE and it wasn't about that. False alarm I guess.

Congrats to you.
I am in same boat as like Mfghazi,

Do my wife(patitioner) will sign I864 and We both have to sign (I864A) As she is going to use my income.
I am in same boat as like Mfghazi,

Do my wife(patitioner) will sign I864 and We both have to sign (I864A) As she is going to use my income.

Hi meek1234,

I don't remember exactly about the signatures. Read thoroughly the instructions for I-864. Since you are the sponsor on behalf of the petitionar (your wife), for the applicant (yourself), you have to sign as sponsor. I think there's a difference between co-sponsor and joint sponsor. You will come under joint sponsor.

Go through the instructions very thoroughly more than once if needed, and you'll get to know what exactly to be done.

I didn't have a copy of the forms I sent. What I did is as follows:
Part 4 should have your wife's info
Part 5: 21a=1, 21b=1, 21c=1, 21h=2, 22d=checked, 23=$0, 24b=your name and salary, 24e=your name

I hope this will help.
mfghazi,Thanks for your input.
I was under inpression that i need to fill two form I-864(my wife will filed)
and as co-sponser i will filed I864A.

but as you saying that i can be in ' joint-sponser' category.
following first paragraph indicates who will sign I864. and second is for joint sponser, i am on h1b can i be joint sponser?

i am little confuse. please help me here.

"A sponsor completes and signs Form I-864. A sponsor isrequired to be at least 18 years old and domiciled in theUnited States, or its territories or possessions (see Step-by-step Instructions for more information on domicile). Thepetitioning sponsor must sign and complete Form I-864, evenif a joint sponsor also submits an I-864 to meet the incomerequirement. The list below identifies who must becomesponsors by completing and signing a Form I-864."

Joint Sponser:

If the person who is seeking the immigration of one or moreof his or her relatives cannot meet the income requirements, a"joint sponsor" who can meet the requirements may submit aForm I-864 to sponsor all or some of the family members.A joint sponsor can be any U.S. citizen, U.S. national, orlawful permanent resident who is at least 18 years old,domiciled in the United States, or its territories or possessions,and willing to be held jointly liable with the petitioner for thesupport of the intending immigrant. A joint sponsor does nothave to be related to the petitioning sponsor or the intendingimmigrant.
never mind about above things,
Thanks a lot for input, i think you are right i can be joint-sponser and as i dont have any dependents i dont need to file I864A,

one more question it says i have to send 'letter from employer" and proof of residence that we both (me and my wife) live together(i think lease will be good).
So for "letter from employer" where to address OR they(employer) can just send by addressing "To whom it may concern".

Do you have sent this kind of letter in your case if you remember?
Sorry for lot of questions.
As I told you earlier, the instructions are confusing. I read them several times so that I won't make any mistakes. The good thing was that my assumptions were correct and there were no objections from USCIS.

For proof of employment, you can either get a letter from your employer, or send a copy of several months' pay stubs. If you do the later, USCIS will, not only know, that you are employed where you told, but also your salary, which you have mentioned as a sponsor of yourself.

To prove that your wife and you are living together, you can attach a copy of utility bills, bank statements, lease agreements etc. The more you do, the stronger your case will be.
Hi meek1234,

I was asked to fill out I-864A when I went for my interview. It didn't delay anything though.
Hi meek1234,

I was asked to fill out I-864A when I went for my interview. It didn't delay anything though.

Did they give you a reason why you had to fill out I-864A?

From I-864 instructions,

[A]n intending immigrant whose income is being used to meet the income requirement does not need to complete Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, unless the intending immigrant has a spouse and/or children immigrating with him or her.
Did they give you a reason why you had to fill out I-864A?

From I-864 instructions,

[A]n intending immigrant whose income is being used to meet the income requirement does not need to complete Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, unless the intending immigrant has a spouse and/or children immigrating with him or her.

Nope, no reason was given. I read the same line and didn't fill the form.;)