I-765 Question


Registered Users (C)

I am try to apply my second EAD now. I have question about how to fill item 14 and 15 in the I-765 application form.

Since I have used Advance Parole to enter US last month.
Item 14. Manner of Last Entry, should I fill advance parole? :confused:
Item 15. Current Immigration Status, should I fill I-485 Pending (adjust of Status)? :confused:

Helps are welcome.
Not sure about #14, but I guess your answer is right.

About #15, I've read plenty of posts in this forum on this. I believe most of the people agreed that it should be "I-485 Pending" or "Adjustment of Status" or something similar, though some people argued that "485 pending" isn't a legal "immigration status"... Anyway, I'm pretty sure you'll be safe with "I-485 pending"; I got my EAD by using this term.

PS: Are you still keeping a valid nonimmigrant status now? If you were on H-1B visa before you used your AP and if you continued to work with the same employer after AP, then you're still on H-1B and I think you should fill in "H-1B worker"...
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