I-751 interview


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I had my I-751 interview on June 24th, 2010. I went withought my husband due to some problems. The officer said that she had to check on somethins and that i have to wait.

I have not heard back from immigration since then. Does anyone know if there is any time frame? It will be 90 days on September 24. Is it possible that they wont get back to me for a year?

I am thinking taking to go for info pass, but dont know how much people there will be able to tell me.

I also had an attorney at the interview. She is telling me that i just have to wait.

Please advice.

Thank you.
Post the details of your interview, also please tell us if you filed I-751 with living with the spouse or not living with spouse but the marriage entered under good faith clause on I-751.
You stated you filed together but you went without your Husband, that is the problem right there fir the delay, Why was he not able to go?
They can take however long they want specially in this kind of situation. The law does not restrict them to adjudicate these types of cases in a given time frame.
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he is in jail already for 2 years....they contacted the prison and saw that we have been comunicating..... he will be back in 5 months.

now i am thinking abt getting divorce....what do I have to? Will I have to file waiver?

please advice.
he is in jail already for 2 years....they contacted the prison and saw that we have been comunicating..... he will be back in 5 months.

now i am thinking abt getting divorce....what do I have to? Will I have to file waiver?

please advice.

You are planning to divorce him now while your I-751 is pending or as soon as you are approved for a 10 year card? Why the hell is he in prison? Weird, he's in prison for 2 years, did you marry him while he was in prison or what is going on here...?
We have been married since april 2007. we lived together for 1.5 years before he went to jail. he is in for money fraud.

like someone here said that it might take to hear back from immigration up to a year or even longer!!

it has been so long. I am considering to get divorce while my I 751 is pending. What are my options after that?
We have been married since april 2007. we lived together for 1.5 years before he went to jail. he is in for money fraud.

like someone here said that it might take to hear back from immigration up to a year or even longer!!

it has been so long. I am considering to get divorce while my I 751 is pending. What are my options after that?

I would suggest you wait till USCIS makes a ruling before you decide to divorce Mr. Maddoff. It is possible USCIS suspect fraud, given that he has been prison for the large proportion of your marriage. Did you go to prison and have him sign the I-751? Yes, USCIS might take a year before approving or denying your petition. I assume you don't have kids with Mr. Maddoff? If you think June 24th, 2010 to now is a long time, brace yourself for a minor hell from USCIS afar as decision-making process. You said your husband is coming out in 5 months, maybe then you can haul him to USCIS for additional evaluation by IO.

What type of evidence did you attach with your petition? USCIS usually prefers solid information showing joint co-habitations, bank statement, health, life, car and home insurance, utilities (gas,electric, water and cable). Since he is a deadbeat relying on taxpayers to fund his living expense in jail, he should have remained in those documentation for the purpose of maintaining a marital home. Does he get conjugal visit?..lol!!!
So I had so much prove! the IO said that i had too much:) I had 5 affidavits, bank stat, and so on... No kids,

I had about 200 letters with me. IO wanted to see our email communication, so she said that she will contact prison. And she did, the next day.

I want to break everything with him before he comes back. If I file for divorce before they approve it, then what? I have to file waiver? What if I get married again? Do I have to file eveyrthing form the begining?

Please advice!

BEcuase i know when he comes back my life will be pretty bad.
USCIS may think the whole marriage is a Sham, since he is in for fraud involving money. This is strictly my opinion, get a divorce and file a waiver, it sounds like you fear him, is he abusive to you? if he is you have a better chance with a waiver then getting a eventual denial if they suspect fraud filing together. Actually you should have done this in the first place and given he was in jail you would have gotten a approval on a waiver by now.
I know. but i am so naive i guess....i loved him, i thought i would give him a chance. plus he is very persuasive....

the marriage is not a scam,,,,i have a lot of prove and all that....the thing is, when i had my intervie won june 24 2010, IO asked me why did not i divorce him before, i said because i love him. What would they think if I file for divorce now?