I-693 Medical Exam Question


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I just got off of the phone with a BCIS doctor in Texas.
My wife is from Brazil and we're applying for AOS - married in the USA.

The doctor basically said the exam consisted of this:

Blood work - $150
Immunizations - $400 based on documentation
Rest of Physical $??

She also mentioned the physical was to include a pap smear.

Does this seem more than a little excessive? Anyone else have experience with this? I've read posts from people in other states that say the physical is bloodwork, shots, and a chest X-ray and that's about it.

Originally posted by usamnt

The doctor basically said the exam consisted of this:

Blood work - $150
Immunizations - $400 based on documentation
Rest of Physical $??

She also mentioned the physical was to include a pap smear.

Does this seem more than a little excessive? Anyone else have experience with this? I've read posts from people in other states that say the physical is bloodwork, shots, and a chest X-ray and that's about it.


My whole fee was $250. I did not have the original documents for those immunization, however, the doctor accepted the lab test (done by the clinic) indicating I have such things before.

The only thing I did at doctor's office was blood test(for HIV and something else) and basic physical check(height, blood pressure, etc), he accepted the rest of the documents I provided. Never heard that pap smear was included.

I think you should call around to see the difference and also ask others for their opinions/expiriences in your area.

Sorry I can't help more since I live in different state.
Does anyone know if it is possible to get the immunizations done at a public health clinic (very cheap) and use those records with the BCIS doctor?
usamnt - you sure can.

The process is like this

Bloodwork - for HIV etc. + Physical = Around $150.
TB - skin test if positive followed by Chest XRay. - 60 to 80 $.
Immunization - depends. Rubella vaccine checkup or getting that vaccine alone the charge is around 70 $.

The best bet like other memebrs suggested is to shop around.
The total pkg could vary a lot from Doctor to Doctor..
Originally posted by mrv71
$250 is a rip-off. The only things you'll basically need is a proof of vaccinations, HIV blood test, and TB test. Get a list of approved doctors in your area through INS website or phone number, call them all, and ask how much a medical for immigration purposes will be. In my area (in California) the prices varies from $60 to $180.


I thought I had a good deal compare with most of my friends(ranging from $300~$500). :(

I guess it's all different. In our area, the base charge is around $250 and it could add more from there.

Well, I am glad it's over that part.
I guess I was luck. The Dr only charged me $150 in Atl. He said that the shots were not needed since he could see the booster marks on my arms. Everyone is out there to take advantage of the system. The Dr I went to is in Atl so let me know if somebody needs his info.
Originally posted by QCO1
I guess I was luck. The Dr only charged me $150 in Atl. He said that the shots were not needed since he could see the booster marks on my arms. Everyone is out there to take advantage of the system. The Dr I went to is in Atl so let me know if somebody needs his info.

Some of my friend drove several hours to VA to get it done to avoid long waiting period in local(sometimes it was 3 months) and save some bucks. Seems to me some doctors are not that strict.
Just wanted to share some info on this. If you are really lucky n maybe ur PCP is an INS registered doctor, then you could take those shots from him/her and get your insurance to cover for the shots.
Otherwise, what you can do is get the shots (MMR,TTD usually) from your physician, get a copy of your results and then take it to the INS registered doctor. You could save some bucks this way if wanted to.
All da best..