I-601 waver


New Member
If someone needs to fill out an I-601 waver when to they apply for it?
During the visa application process? before applying? after receipt of the visa? after being rejected?
I-601 is for an immigrant waiver. What ban do you have? Are you immigrating through Adjustment of Status in the US or Consular Processing abroad? Why are you asking this in the TN forum?
The intention is to apply for a TN Visa but it looks like I will need a waiver if I am to enter the US.
TN is a nonimmigrant status, so you would need a nonimmigrant waiver if you have a ban. Which ban do you think you have? Are you a Canadian citizen?
You want to apply for an I-192 non-immigrant waiver.

Be sure to describe that your purpose is B1 (business) B2 (Pleasure) and to apply for TN status.

Border officers will not process your TN application if they discover you are inadmissible and you do not have a waiver with a "TN" purpose.