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I-551 stap on Canadian border. Help!!!


Registered Users (C)
I got my immigrant visa in MOntreal and currently live in Canada. I was advised by the lawer that when I enter US I'll be issued I-551 *BUT* when I entered I said I am going to "visit" and not "move permanently" so I was denied entry. Per lawer...that's correct I shuld have said that I am moving to the US and not "visiting" since I have an immigrant visa.

*NOW* I want to enter again by car and this time I'll say that I am "moving to the US as immigrant" in an effort to get my I-551. However, as soon as I get the stamp in the passport I want to turn around and come back to Canada...for at least 4 months and then move to California in March 2005. I could wait until March and then fly to CA but I want to get my I-551 sooner than later so that's the reason I want to enter NY for I-551 (from Ontario)

Could this cause any problems?
Any expected problems with address I'll give not being NY address but CA address?
Do I need to bring luguage?

Please advise...I'll be traving in 2 days. Thanks.
I think they denied you entry because you YOURSELF declared that you do not intend to reside in the U.S. permanently. You may have abandoned your residency right there and then, and you may have lost your immigrant visa. Good luck. Did they take your packet away? Do you still have it? Any stamps in your passport regarding abandoning your "residency" that didn't even start yet? What a fool, sorry.
no,they did not take anything away, quitely unsually they were nice and advised that I'll need to pack my stuff and then move and if I want to just visit then I'll need to obtain a visitors visa. I have everything on me. Any way, thanks for your reply, fool