I-551 Stamped on passports, do I still need to work for sponsor company. My Lawyer is


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I-551 Stamped on passports, do I still need to work for sponsor company. My Lawyer is asking to do so. I dont want to and I have much better offer. What do I do? Please suggest.
safer to but not sure if 106(c) can be used 0f ac21 law

either way there is a limit or torture they can ask you to bear. permamnet does not mean permanent slavery forever. many poeple have left withinn 2-3 months of joining new employer. 6 is probably safe, attroneyts always suggest 1 year since they dont care about employees only employers.

the worst types of people are some attorneys/paralegals who give wrong advice to poor immigrants so the employers can abuse them for years. they knew what was coming in californioa under the labor certification crap and they intentionally misled employees to file labor there which takes a minimim of 3 years and as many as your lifetime to get approved in which time the employer has sucked your blood dry. added with uscis standard process of 3 minimum years of torture the entire american dream is just ot worht it anymore. its better to come here on ah1 visa from someone you know and then work here for a few years for the experince and then go back.

if i was you i would leave after 30 days citiing and documenting the mental torture and other hardships the employer has forced you to endure. this will come up during citizenship interview. that will take 7 years after 5 years of gc so thats atleast 12 years away under current estimates.
I know of people who switched jobs and got their actual GC in the mail while at the new job. You should go consult with an outside lawyer who doesn't have a relation to your employer.
The weird thing is, per law as it stands now, switching BEFORE approval is fine by AC21. It is after approval that you're stuck for 6 months (or whatever time needed) to establish that you intended to work for your sponsoring company "permanently".


dealia74 said:
I know of people who switched jobs and got their actual GC in the mail while at the new job. You should go consult with an outside lawyer who doesn't have a relation to your employer.