I-539 and getting new TN


Registered Users (C)
If i'm staying in the US while my I-539 is still processing can i still go an apply for a new TN visa ? or do i have to wait for the I-539 to expire first? Cause technically you are not allowed to leave the US while waiting for the 539, but are you technically leaving to get a TN at the border?
If i'm staying in the US while my I-539 is still processing can i still go an apply for a new TN visa ? or do i have to wait for the I-539 to expire first?

You can leave the US and apply for a TN at any time.

Cause technically you are not allowed to leave the US while waiting for the 539

This is incorrect. You are always able to leave the US while an I-539 is pending. Leaving the US abandons the application.
Thanks TheRealCanadian.

One more quick question for you... when im filing my 539, am i applying to switch to a b2 visitor visa? or extending my TN status? I will *NOT* be working (only packing up my things etc).
