I-485 Stamping Experience @San Jose INS Office


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I-485 Passport Stamping Experience in San Jose INS Office

When to reach INS Office?
Office opens at 700AM. But make sure you are there well before 6AM. Otherwise, you may not get the token for the day.
On Tuesday morning, I reached San Jose INS Office at about 515AM. Already, there were 150 people ahead of me. People came as late as 730AM too. But only some folks who came at about 600AM managed to get tokens.
I overheard some couple saying that they came at about 200AM.

Are there enough parking spaces?
Yes. Parking is not a problem. There are a lot of parking spaces behind the INS Office. You have to go through the adjacent road ( I think, Stouffer Road) and enter the parking lot. It is about 5 minute walk back to the front of the INS Office. Hence drop off your family members at the INS office entrance, park the vehicle, walk back and join the line.

What do you observe while you are waiting outside the INS Office?
There was a mobile snack van when I reached at 515AM. You can get snacks and beverages. But it leaves the premises just before 700 AM.
At about 645AM, American Flag is hoisted by two INS staff without any fanfare.
Just after that, one security guard announces that all double-parked vehicles should be removed and that knives, guns, scissors, eatables, water bottles, etc. are not allowed inside the INS premises. Those who have any eatables put them in their vehicles (It is a 10-minute walk affair. Hence eat everything before going for security check or trash them.)
There are portable toilets outside the INS office which you can use while you are waiting in line. I went once and found it to be unclean. I made sure that I didn’t add further damage to that environ.
Some had brought folding chairs. It is a good idea to carry some if you have elderly people. You can put them back in your vehicle before your turn comes to enter for security check. But remember the 10-minute walk to go to the vehicle and come back.
People are very quiet except kids playing and making bearable noise.
Make sure you have umbrellas if rain is anticipated.

When do I get my turn to enter the INS Office?
INS Office opens at 700AM. Because of security check and limited seating space inside the building, people are let in about 10 at a time.
I joined the line at 515AM and my turn came at about 930AM to enter the INS Office.

What is Security Check?
It is like Airport Security Check. You put all your bags through a screening system. You are asked to put your belt, wallet, large bracelet, large bangles, etc. You go through a metal detector and collect your belongings on the other side. No manual frisking if metal detector does not detect anything on you.

Where do I get the tokens?
After the security check, you are automatically in a line towards the information counter. Tell the purpose and the number of tokens required. Tokens are issued. Token contains the issue time as well as the approximate wait time. For me the wait time indicated was 4 Hrs. For kids, no separate tokens are issued. They go with dad or mom for the actual stamping. Spouse will be issued a separate token.
For different purposes, tokens from different series (A to E) are issued.
Once the tokens are about to be exhausted, there is a message through the public address system stating that tokens are exhausted for the day and that only those who want some forms or information can stand in the line.

After getting the token, what next? How long do I wait?
Find a place and get seated comfortably until you are called. Inside the INS Office, there are drinking water fountains and toilet. You can’t get anything to eat. You and the kids have to starve till the process is complete. I was called at about 330PM.
If you are confident about the approximate time of your turn, you may decide to exit the INS building, go out, do whatever you want and enter the INS after yet another security check. Sometimes it might be risky to do that.

See Next Msg
I-485 Passport Stamping Exp @ SJC Office --- Continued

Are there separate processing windows for I485?
No. There are about 10 windows. Depending upon other workload (may be to take care of those with appointments), number of windows pen at any time varied between 1 and 5. There are no dedicated windows for I-485. In each window, the INS examiner takes different cases in turn. So you have to be vigilant and keep looking at the token number displayed above each window.

How long does it take at the Window?
Once you have all the documents, it takes about 5 minutes to complete the stamping. The relevant documents are taken, photos are put in plastic pouch, right index fingerprints taken in two places on a form, specimen signatures are taken in two places, I551 stamp affixed, some details are written in the stamped area and the passport is returned. No questions. Exchange well wishes and thanks. You are done.

What is your opinion about the INS staff?
They are very professional and courteous. Some INS examiners might indulge in pep talk to keep you at ease. They try to help the applicants. If language is a problem, they allow the applicant to get someone to help them.

Sum it up?
Long wait. You are at ease the moment you are seated and wait for your turn. You wish there were more windows and examiners to process your case quickly. Yet, you have good feeling about the process and the INS staff.
Thanks for the detailed explanation

Did you get token for E series or A series? I got it for E, but I don\'t know if all approval notice cases (passport stamp) go to E, or whether INS alternates between using A and E for passport stamps.

Got E Series Token

I got E Series Token. I do not know the purpose for which A, B, C, D or F series tokens are given
Family with Infant

Do they allow families with infants to drop in INS office
after 7:00am instead of standing in a Q?

Any experience.

Thanks in advance.
Families with infants Have to be in the One and Only Line

All have to stand in the line to get their turn. But there is a way out. Husband can join the line first. Wife and kids could be sitting in the car or at home. May be just 30 minutes prior to your turn to enter into INS office, you could inform your family members (through cell phone)to come and join the line along with you. I saw this happen just in front of me. Husband joined the line at 500AM. Wife and about 10-year old son joined him in the line at 830AM.
