I-485 RFE question


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I got an RFE from INS requesting:

1. Current employment letter - no problem

2. Ability to pay - tax return and financial statments from my employer - is this valid - do you know if companies give out this kind of info - I work for a private company

3. My W-2s and Tax returns for 3 years - 2001, 2000 (and not 2002) and 2003.

I dunno why they asked for 2000 tax return - do u think its a mistake and that I should send tax return and W-2 for 2002 instead ???

2. Yes it is standard in some cases. Check with your HR if they give out such information to you, in case they don't then request a sealed copy in an envelope, handed over directly to your lawyer who will give it to INS. Most companies do this, scan the archives for more information on this.

3. Give them what they ask for, if they want 2000/2001 then give it to them. They might be wanting it to make sure you were legal in 2000/2001. Don't give more, or less, just exactly what they want.

Why isn't your lawyer advising you on this? He is the best person to do so. You don't want to screw up in the final stages of your GC process.
submit the requested evidence. You will be OK and case may get approved soon. I am glad the cases are moving up!!
Another question?

I fall under AC21 category since I changed employers though after 180 days of 485 application.

Should I include anything else with my RFE as well ???

Please advice - thanks!
I suggest you send 2002 Tax Returns also. We dont know if it was a mistake or if they wanted to see your job status in 2000.
I suggest, you do not try to second guess INS, just send the data asked for and NOTHING more. Not that it will harm the process, but why?