I 485 RFE - Medical


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Received an RFE for my wife regarding Medicals - TB skin test. Last July (2006) when we got our medicals, the doctor did not do Skin test for my wife (as the would shoe +ve), and directly went for a chest X ray, which cam out negative (no TB).
Now what should we do to address the RFE?

Go for skin test (as it will show +ve) and new X ray.
or Go for skin test and use the previous X ray.

Please share your experiences. It will be hihgly valuable to us and others.

Also, is this type of RFE an indications that the process is in final stages?

I had similar RFE for my wife in June. If possible go back to same doctor. With RFE you must have received the sealed envelope with original report. Take it to the doctor and get skin test done even though it'd be positive. Repeat the chest x ray. Request the doctor to put a comment in the original report that he/she expected + skin test, so it wasn't done.With this comment, positive skin test and x ray report, respond to the RFE- it'd be fine. We responded for RFE on July 11 and by July 24th, the case got approved.
CDC website emphasizes on skin test, so make sure doctor does it this time. My wife had positive skin test with pretty big reaction but I guess this is just another torture in a series we need to go through before the case gets approved.

Good luck.
Thanks Jaashreeram. Please clarify on this point.
We just received RFE letter and no original report. We went to the same doctor and he is saying that he will revise the report to say that TB skin test was not done as the patient had previously (earlier about 4 Yrs ago) showed positive reaction.

Basically he is reluctant to do skin test again since it serves of no use as my wife tested +ve 4 yr's ago in the skin test.
Does this makes sence. Any hep/suggestion is greartly apreciated.

Does the notice point to a link for CDC? If you visit that link, it says skin test should be done unless you have a history of reaction of 5 mm or more and you have a doctor's note describing that.
The problem is you can't send any attachment with the doctor's report (I'm surprised they didn't send original report- how'd you take care of rest of the part- probably the doctor can fill in those part using his file).

So either he can mention that in the comments area on report(I-693) saying the reaction was observed (how many mm, should be more than 5) 4 years ago or should do the test again if you don't have doctor's note.

Perhaps other people in this forum have described this kind of case in more details - you can search for those posts as well.

I just wanted to make sure it doesn't come back, so I insisted on the test and then x ray. Moreover in my case we didn't have doctor's note for the reaction.

I hope this helps. Sorry but these things can be very confusing. the good thing is my doctor didn't charge me anything extra for RFE response.
Many thanks again for your quick response. For some reason reason, they didn't send original report. While talking o Nurse today, she was saying the same what you guessed, that the doctor will fill in those part using his earlier form (file).
I think he will inidcate that adverse reaction was observed 4 years ago and that's the reason he went on to directly get the x-ray.
I also heard that doctors don't recomend TB skin test more than once, since it might lead to complications in some cases (might require skin grafting in extreme cases).
Will keep you informed what happnes with USCIS.
If TB test showed positive once - the doctor wont recomend doing it the second time. What if your doctor to send the results of the original TB test?
Thanks for the suggestion. I am trying to get old TB skin test results from previous doctor. I might reuest my USCIS surgeon to include the old skin test results to prove that the test was positive and that's why it was not done again.
Thanks again.
Confused -

As per instructions on I-693 document a skin-test is NOT mandatory as shown below-
"Exceptions: If you are applying for adjustment of status under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, you may choose to have either a chest x-ray or a skin test."

Then, how could you get an RFE for not getting skin test?