I-485 RFE - Birth Certificate - Affidafit issue


Registered Users (C)
I have received RFE for my birth certificate, as it was late registered. CIS asking 2 affidafits from realtives. I am thinking of getting one affidavit from my mom. As my mom does not able to read/write English, Can the affidafit be from my native language and translated by some one? Or Can my mom sign in native language, if the affidafit written in English?

For another affidafit, I am thinking of getting it from my cousin, as she is in USA. However, she was a kid when I born. Is her affidafit valid?

Can the affidafit from my sisters/brothers (ofcourse not younger than me) work?

Advise is appreciated ...
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Get affidavits from Uncle/Aunt

Got the same RFE.
My lawyer told me to get affidavits from Uncle or Aunt. If not then cousins.
Also as additional proof, get the school certificate with age.
I also got a RFE on birth certificate. Could you let me know what exactly needs to be written on the affidavits, in place of the birth certificate.

RFE on Birth Certificate

1) Do you have to submit just the affidavits or also a letter from the Municipal court that the original Birth Certificate does not exist? Or did the RFE letter explicitly asked for just "two afidavits"

2) How much time do they give to respond to such RFE?

Good luck!
I had submitted the birth certificate earlier, so I am not sure why they want another. Could be just because that it wasn't a great copy(fax copy). I am getting a new bith certificate, but I was wondering if i can send two affidavits also as they are saying you can in place of the birht certificate. They did not talk anything regarding any proof of unavailibility of the birth certificate.
Birth Cert

I received a similar RFE about DOB certificate. My original cert was taken by my secondary school board, and I submitted duplicate (certified original). USCIS did not like it. Attorney advised me to get non-availability with my dad and mother and some authority signing saying DOB is not available (no relatives). I submitted and my status got updated - not sure if USCIS like this copy or not, but they did not raise any issue.
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I read RFE carefully today. As my birth was not registered at the time of event, CIS needs secondary evidence for DOB and parantage. It can be historical documents from medical, school, census or religious records showing DOB and names of both parents. I have few documents (like, SSLC cerfificate, college transfer Certificate, Driver License, PAN card issued by income tax department in India) showing my DOB. Couple of document have father's name, however, there is no mention of mothers name in any document. Is it OK to submit those document?

USCIS may also accept affidavits, by the persons who has the knowlege of my birth. Is the affidavits by parents is accepted? or Should I get it from someone other than parents?

Thanks ..
Affidavits for birth certificates could be good evidence.

I understand from the reading in forums and other immigration sites, the following are suggested evidence for the birth and parentage.

1. SSC/SSLC Certificate showing the date of birth.
2. Affidavits from two elder relatives living with you or living in your birth place in the following format will be helpful:

AFFIDAVIT BY [Close Relative's First Name] [Close
Relative's Last Name]

Re: <Beneficiary's Full name>

I, [Close Relative's First Name] [Close Relative's Last Name], hereby depose and say:

That I, [Close Relative's First Name] [Close Relative's Last Name] , was born on [date] in the town/city of [City], [Country].

My full and complete address is [street address with apartment or house number, town/city, state, postal zip code].

That I am closely related to <Beneficiary's Full name>. I am his <relation>.

That <Beneficiary's Full name> was born on ddth Month, YYYY in <City>, <State>, <Country> to my <relation to mother>, <Mother's fullname> and my <relation to father>, <Father's fullname>.

That I have direct personal knowledge of the event and circumstances concerning the birth of <Beneficiary's Full name> because I was living <living status Ex: living with parents> at the time of <his/her> birth.

That I have known <Beneficiary's Full name> since <BirthDate>.

This affidavit is being submitted because the birth was registered late in official records.

I declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.

<Fullname of the person signing>

Solemnly affirmed and sworn to before me the content
of the above affidavit declaration having been truly
and audibly read over and explained to him who
understood the same and signed before me on this day
of _______________________ at my office.


Please edit this as needful. Hope this helps.