I-485 Medical..A gold mine for some!!!!!!

No!! We Cannot Agree!

We cannot agree for the simple fact that the US will never stop exploiting the immigrants, whether they were induced to come here legally or illegally.

My question to you is: how fair is the fine of $250 for the employer who breaks the law in comparison to holding the poor immigrants to ransom by threatening them of deportation? Is that how the US amasses its wealth, by exploiting the illegals? Just so that you know, the US collects billions of dollars every year from these illegal immigrants towards social security that goes into a suspense account. The power, we all know where it comes from and 'prosperity,' I really am not sure at what and whose cost.

Now that S.1639 has failed in the Senate this morning, here are my views and I challenge you to respond to them:

1. For over two decades now, the US has been using the illegal immigrants to do the work which the citizens here are either too lazy to do or find the compensation too low.

2. For over two decades, the illegal immigrants have been subjected to the 'catch & release' and/or 'occasional deportation' to help the citizens, mainly the employers, to be able to hire them even cheaper. The fine of $250 on employers hiring illegals still remains the same.

3. The H visa program also fully stinks of exploitation and protectionism. Except for the very few in the software industry, all the H applicants are subjected to a very 'minimum wage' theory. Only when the employers do not find any citizens to accept the 'minimum wages' that they can hire the immigrants on 'H' visas.

4. The H1 visa holders can work only for a maximum of 6 years provided the employer still has the capacity to pay them the 'minimum wages.' In between, there could be situations under which these legal H1 visa holders could become illegal.

5. The dependents of H1 visa holder, the H4 cannot work even if they are qualified. Even the H1 visa holder cannot work for any other employer while the citizens can work 20 hours a day for 4 days and go on a 'freakin' vacation for the next 3 days. What do you call this ha?? I say 'Protectionism.'

6. In case some decide to file for the GC, you are stuck with the employer up to a year even after you get the GC. Now, do we all know how long it could take to get the GC?

In conclusion, I would say that the immigration laws are made so complicated that it will hundreds or even thousands of pages of writing to explain how the laws and the way they are followed ONLY protect the citizens of this country.

I guess India should re-look into the permission they have given the big-wigs of US such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, CISCO, Dell and others to set up 'shop' in India. Yes, I am from India and I would say it is a free world. The US should not be afraid of competing with every one else in the world. Are you ware, 'The World is Flat'?

I know I may be wasting my writing talent and time on you, but well, I hope all will learn something, someday.

As I stated before, America should not apologize for it's wealth, power and prosperity. It is why so many want to get in. You say let Mexico sort out itself. That is not working out is it?
You suggest I have no solution, I have stated it. Build the wall congress approved and build it big. Put the National Guard on the border until these guys get the message. No other countries allow people in at whim.
Where we agree is that employers should be fined big time for hiring illegals. The news recently has been filled with illegal immigrant raids at factories. This is good, enforce the law and protect this nation. Undocumented illegal aliens can be molestors, serial criminals, traffic hazards and God-forbid, terrorists...
For our area it is $190 for adult and $110 FOR CHILD. Then vaccination is $70 each. Doctor insisted on MMR also with Tetanus. So we ended up paying $330 each for adult. The X-ray is $42 each. Hmmmm.......