I-485 Interview


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Hi, I have an interview scheduled for adjustment of status (I-485) in Nebraska center on 12/11/2003.

The history of my case is :

Receipt Date : 10/25/2001
Notice Date : 11/21/2001
First Finger Print : 01/24/2002
Case transferred to Milwaukee : 02/10/2003
Second Finger Print : 07/02/2003

Call for interview : 12/11/2003
Resason for appointment : Application for Adjustment of Status (I-485)

For this interview I've been asked to get my passport, I-94 record, employment letter, photos, marriage certificate etc etc

Some questions I have :
1. With this interview would I know if I would get my GC or not? IF (capitals, lol) I get approved, would stamping of my permanent residency be on my passport the same day, or usually do you have to wait for some days for the stamping after the interview.
2. Did anybody go through the same process (like getting called for the interview for I-485) and if yes, what happened?
3. If I have to wait for the stamping, how long, and would the stamping be in Omaha or somewhere else like a local office?
4. One final and important question, has anybody gone to this interview and got their petition to GC rejected?

Please, Please somebody give some input, for some reason I am scared (I know everything will be fine, but again, you know).

Thank you all for your help bro's and sis's.
Do not worry too much about the interview.

It is a simple matter, just be confident and prepared with all the documents they asked you to bring in the appopintment letter. As far as I rememebr they should be:

1- the appointment letter,
2- tax returns for past three years,
3- employment letter,
4- ........ etc....

At the interview the will ask you few simple questions (under aoth) to verify the information on your file.

This is the standard interview. I cannot tell you everything they might ask because every case is different. They may ask for details of something specific about your case.

In general it should be about 20 minutes if your case is clear. At the end of the interview, they may (or may not) stamp your passport. If they do, that will be the end of your troubles. If they do not stamp the passport, they may tell you to get other documents, or wait for security check. In either case you should be fine.

Very very few get denied at the interview. To be denied you have to have commited fraud on one of the applications, or other major thing.

Bottomline be cool, and do not worry
don't be nervous at all!! But something that strikes me why they have asked you to go to NSC? because they usually ask you to go to a local center and NOT NSC!! while you are in Milwaukee!!! this is very strange. any ideas gurus or friends in this forum?

Where do you live now?
TB test

Not only I have to attend the interview, I have a little problem.

I got a little green notice saying that I didnt do the TB test when I submitted my medical report (I-693). I didnt do my skin test but the doctor said he could do a chest x-ray and confirm, which me and my wife did. I also have the copy of the original I-693 which was then submitted, which states that I have done the chest x-ray.

So, my question is, is this something they send to everybody or there has been a mistake in my case, and that I have to do it again (which I am planning to do again).

Please help!
Now you are talking.

According to I-485 Standard Operating Procedures, the applicant must take the TB skin test. If the skin test came -ve, then the officer would proceed with the adjudication normally.

If the skin test came +ve, the applicant must take a chest X-Ray. If the X-Ray is OK, the adjudication continues normally.

The doctor should know these procedures. He cannot skip the TB skin test unless in the case of a pregnant woman; in which case she will have to go back and take the test after delivery.

Usually the Sevice Center sends an REF for the medical, but they may have decided to interview instead.

In any case, you need to go and take the TB test.
By the way, do that before the interview, and take the medical results with you in a sealed envelope to the interview. Look up the list of the USCIS approved doctors and select one.
Okay the doctor screwed up then. I wonder why he didnt know that. @%@$@.

I did take an appointment for next thursday 11/20 and have to go back that saturday to read the skin test.

Hopefully, he will have the stuff ready for me by the time I go to the interview.

I hope everything goes well. You wrote that it is a standard procedure to do the skin test first. Do you know where you read it or where it states that? If you know please tell me.

My lawyer suggested that I take the test too. So, we will see...
neversay_never -

Good luck on your I-485 interview. Please post your interview experience when you are done.

Cool down from the tension

I know your are excited and thinking negatively as a human trend. This is normal for everyone whose case transfered to local office. Take all the papers as mention in your interview letter and get approved without tension .

Be Behave and stand ready to get it ..
Milwaukee Interview


Me and my wife ewent for the interview to milwaukee in june 03.

who is the interviewing officer ? it will be mentioned in the interview letter.

the interview was ok, only the office who took our interview was a trainee.



Please see the attached page from the I-485 Standard Operating Procedures.

Hopefully your test comes back negative. If it didn't, there is nothing to worry about. You only need to do a Chest X-Ray then. Your doctor may accept the older one (I hope). If he didn't, go ahead and make another one quickly and take it back to him to complete the exam for (I-693). Make sure he pouts it in a sealed envelop and take it with you to the interview.

If the officer asks you about it, then give him/her the envelop. Do not valounteer information. Only asnwer what is asked. BE CONFIDENT AND GIVE SHORT AND PRECISE TRUTHFUL ANSWERS. Only hand out the documents required or asked, do not open subjects for conversation. Just comply with what they ask. Be polit.

The interview is very very simple. Know that YOU WILL BE APPROVED, it is just a matter of time.
Thanks for all the assurance Wella...I feel a little more confident now. I am sure that my skin test would come negative...

I am more pissed at the doctor. If he had told me skin test is a MUST, all these last minute complications would not have happened. One of my friend who underwent the medical exam after me with the same doctor, told that he didnt get the skin test either. So, l advised him to take it.

I hope there is a way to report on this doctor because looks like the doctor is not knowledgeable or may be it is his negligence.
Either way such doctors must be removed from the authorized list of doctors.
Hmmm... May be you shouldn't blame the doctor though. I have an allergic reaction to the TB test. So I did an X-Ray at my doctor's along with all immunization and brought everything to the immigration doctor. Though she said that she never heard of allergic reactions to this test (makes me doubt in all doctors in general) she accepted the X-Ray and she didn't say it would be a problem. It looks like from a medical stand-point there is no difference whether you do the test or X-Rays. I just checked my copy of the report and there is no place on it to specify the reason why TB test is not done. How would they know if you have a medical condition and simply can't do the test? Anyway, my point is it's probably not doctor's fault but rather lack of medical training for IIOs who have to follow the imperfect instructions word by word. (I'm not blaming them for this either, just making an observation.)
Neversay_Never, looks like the doctor is either a quack or an idiot. Any doctor that does immigration medical examinations would know this. I don't want to scare you or anything. Usually you need to wait for 3 days after the skin test to determine if you need to go for chest X-ray or not. Just wanted to let you know so that you can plan accordingly. Also even if your chest X-ray comes out -ve some doctors would force you to take some medicine for 9 months. It happened with my wife and it was a pain. A number of my friends that had skin test +ve didn't take the medicine or just tossed it away. But my wife's doctor was steadfast about it. The reason doctor gave was even though she didn't have TB, she is less immune when she comes in contact with someone that has it and hence have to complete the 9 months dose with regular exams every 3 months. And I didn't want to take any chance either both from health point of view and in case INS asks for a proof from the doctor that she had the medicine. You never know with the INS. Poor lady, just did it.
The 9 month medication is not a requirement by USCIS. It is your choice to take it or not as long as the Chest X-Ray is negative. The USCIS doctor cannot force you to take any medication for immigration purposes.

Of course it would be safer to take it as long as you have a positive skin test. But it is not a requirement from USCIS.
TB skin test

I called the civil surgeon at Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive Health Center in St Louis about the TB skin test. I did not get that either, only a chest X-ray. They told me they have been doing this for as long as they started, and they never had anybody been sent back for a skin test. I hope it is just an isolated situation. I will wait and see if I should go there and get one.