I-485 For the month of JULY


Registered Users (C)
Did anyone mail your I-485 Applications today so they can be reached to the USCIS on Monday 2nd of JULY.Can we mail today or do i need to wait till Monday to mail? Isaw in the bord that the Visa numbers will become unavailable starting on monday, should i mail the application or not,please give me a clue here.

postmark date or receipt date?

I am not sure whether USCIS looks at the postmark date of the application or the receipt date. If it's the later, you are better sending the application.

No one knows for sure whether USCIS wud come up with a VB on July 2/3. Even if it comes up with one, you can always fight back (given the receipt date is what USCIS looks at) as you satisifed all the conditions for filing 485 b4 new VB is released.

Go ahead, you will not loose much except few dollars for postage and for that sweat to travel to postoffice, if a new VB is released and your app gets rejected.
If USCIS accepts apps, on the other hand, you got to be the first lucky person for July VB.
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