I-485 approved!!!


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Hi, Dear Friends:

The I-485 applications of all my family members (my wife, son, and me) were approved by TSC on August 13, 2002! The detail of our cases is as follows:

PD: May 22, 2001; RD: April 22, 2002; ND: April 24, 2002; FP notice Day: May 7, 2002; FP: June 7, 2002; Approval date: August 13, 2002. EAD for my wife: Approval on June 26. No AP, EAD for me and my son. No AP for my wife. This is a EB1-EA case. I did everything by myself. I am from China and now live in Houston

I am not on the tracker. Please add my case to it.

This website is really helpful. Thanks to all your guys!

Congrats. Approval analysis.

Recentely, TSc has been mainly processing cases with FP done in late March to early April, early May, and late May to early June. Suprisingly, most cases with FP done on May 2, 3, 31 and June 7 have been processed. In the Tracker, PATTA (FP 5/3/02), KGH (FP 5/31/02), and MANIDEEP (FP 6/7/02) have got RFEs.
G KIng help me . How many days after RFE

INS sent an RFE for me on May 28th. Sent reply back on June 14th. Answering machine status still says requested additional information.

How long will it take before the case is approved.

Friends, PATTA (FP 5/3/02), KGH (FP 5/31/02), and MANIDEEP (FP 6/7/02) who also got RFEs should be able to help me out.

Did KGH or patta got their approvals.

GKing any clue.
Hi guys,

Please post your RFE details ...instead of writing just RFE. so that 485-waiters will have some clue that wht type of info INS seeking mostly....
Sai Babu I did not get approval yet

We are compiling information to respond to RFE which was issued August 8th. It is related to the new interim health care worker regulations. Even though my wife (she is the primary) is US educated, we still need to go through the Visa Screen process. I hope to have that done by the end of September.

I am KGH in the tracker
No approval yet- patta

My alias in nairobi data base is patta and I have not
been approved yet and my RFE was for an emp. letter.
sai babu and others what were your RFE's about?
I also needed employment letter. One was provided but Hr didn't put a date on it. Anyway, that is the least of the concerns.
Sai Babu, recently, RFE cases were approved in about one month after

RFE reply was received. But it seems TSC has slowed down I-485 processing even further from late July.

I think you need to call the IIO to see if your reply has actually been received. It may get lost in the mail. I remeber ukown485 has had similar problem, but it turned out to be OK after he called the IIO.

If your reply does not appear in TSC after 3 months of the issue date of the RFE, your case may be rejected.
It is really weird.

After seeing yzhu1 with ND 4/24/02, FP 6/7/02 got approved on 8/13/02, another case CHSSRK with ND 4/29/02, FP 6/21/02 got approved on 8/16/02.

It is possible that TSC just assigned to I-485 team new IIOs, who are taking the newest cases with FP done, while the old IIOs just let the old cases piling on their desks. If this is true, we should see the I-485 speeding up, and the recent filers with FP done will be benefited the most.
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90% old cases 10% new cases

I had some info from another forum that says INS is trying to remove the backlog working with 90% old cases and 10% of the new ones.
This could be the reason why the recent approvals for new cases.
They said working with the 10% will prevent to pile up new cases and preventing this will reduce any future back log.
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Gking, dont worry. I think sooner or later

within a month or so you will be approved too as you have your FP.

However, all of us 2002 filers who have not received FP have to really worry. Most of us are not worrying too much because it has been only 6 months or so. But I think it will not be too long when we will become like May 01-Sept 01 filers and we will start saying something wrong with FP scheduling.

AS far as FP thoery goes, I think what has really been happening at TSC is this. When an application goes in to TSC, it is entered in the computer by different employees. Some of these employees are experienced and some of them are not. I think the one with less experience does not bother to "click" a field in the computer for FP and therefore an FP is never genearted for people whose application has been handled by such employee. On the other hand, the other group of relatively few expereienced employees does it right everything on the data entry system and FP is generated rather quickly as we all know that there is not much backlog/rush at the most FP/ASC center. So I think National scheduler is working OK, it is just that some the employees are just not trained properly.

I think this is the only way we can explain the randomness in FP and consequent approval. However, we have no way of verifying this.
Sg94aphw, you might be right on FP. To let you know

how slow TSC is in processing I-485, I started to track the approvals from this month based on the Tracker record. I found so far there are 10 approvals in August. But 6 out the 10 are not originally in the Tracker. This mean there are actually only 4 approvals in the original Tracker. If this trend continues, we may only see less than 20 approvals for this month here, and less then 10 approvals for those in the Tracker.

Now I found there are over 50 cases with FP done before 6/30/02 (I use this cut-off date because TSC is approving FP June 02 cases) pending in the Tracker. Thus if TSC does not speed up, it will take 5 months to finish these pending cases. Sg94aphw, I hope your predication on my case coming true.

God save America, save TSC, save us.

It looks like the new (Rd 4/2002) cases approved are EB1/EB2 (NIW) category. Is there any different processing for NIW's ?
RFE Details

Myself and my wife both received RFEs. MY RFE was about Demographic Information. It doesnt contain my last address in India.

For my wife it is due to marriage certificate. Orginally we did sent a marriage certificate. The orginal marriage certificate is very long and not of A4 size. So I condensed to 55% and sent it. They felt the letters are too small and requested again.

The lawyer office sent response on July 12 (for RFE dated May 28th) and received by INS on June 14th as per receipt of certified mail(on internet).

Just now talked with INS representative. She says it might be lying in mail room and it may take upto 90 days for updating the computer records.

Also she sings the same old song. Currently processing August 2000 cases. We havent even started looking at 2001 cases.
Approved today 08/21/02

Sai babu and others, my case was approved today as per
the AVM this evening.

Coincidently I had called this afternoon to talk to an IIO
and he said that a decesion would be mailed to me in 10 days
as my case has been assigned to someone last friday.
I asked him if a decesion had already been made and he replied
in the negetive.
However I checked the AVM this evening and it said the case was approved today.
So all of you hang in there, the approvals are coming sooner than later (at least for those whose RFE's have already been submitted).

pattawait....ing for stamping and GC.
sg94ahpw, --

I think I have different opinion toward your FP theory.... According to our observation, most Jan 01 - Apr 01 filers didn't get their FP notices until last Spring, but when the FP notices came, they came in in batch. I would expect that one day, don't know when though, the unlucky May 01 - Sept 01 filers like myself would also get our FP notices in batch... Look at the tracker, there were really just very few May 01 -Sept 01 filers have their FP done, so I am really not convinced that it was because some critical field didn't get checked. I suspect the scheduler is a sleeper program and it didn't wake up at the right time because of some computer glitch... My fear is, once it passes the right timing, it will never revisit the ones that it missed, and our cases might be sitting there forever until official processing time really move to May 2001...

My question is, how to get our concern heard... I talked to an IIO this morning and still got the same old crap... computer assigned, they can't do nothing about it... official processing time is still 8/2000... I also faxed TSC a couple of times... I guess it's no use either...

It's really frustrating that after waiting for 15 months and still haven't got FP done... I guess May 01 filers have the worst luck... It took us 3 months to get our I-485 receipts, 4 months to get APs, 5 months to get EADs and ... years to get FPs....
Congratulations. Patta


WHen did u send response to RFE to INS. Did they update that they received the response for RFE. Or direct updation is about approval


I do not claim that what I said is indeed correct, we all can only stipulate. However, when I think of it, I really have very strong feeling that thats what may be going on in TSC. Apart from what I already said in previous mail, here is another thing to consider:

Remember, May 01 to Sept 01 filers had very long delay in getting their receipt notices? This was due to the problem with mail processing/data entry people at TSC. TSC then finally hired some temporary workers to do the job and eventually data were entered into the computer and receipt notices were generated. And guess what, these are the people who havn't been getting FP notices. I think the reason is that these temporary people didnt fully understood entire GC process or they forgot to check the field for FP through which each application gets queued in National Scheduler. The thing is that, if this is true, these application never got queued to National Scheduler. The worst part is that nobody in TSC know about it. They are going to know once somebody actually looks at these physical application.

I think this is what is going on even today due to the some of the inexperienced employees not entring the data properly as I mentioned in the earlier post. Again, I think the National Scheduler is probably alright, it just may not have data due to incorrrect data processing at TSC to issue FP as we know there is no backlog/rush at FP/ASC centers.

As for how, suddenly, Jan 01- April 01, got their FP notices suddenly this spring. I think that is the way it used to work that time. FPs were generated manually in batches. Or I do not know the exact reason.

But anyway, again we can only think about possible reasons wat is going on. Nobody can tell for sure. Let me know what you think.

As for what we can do about it, I dont know. I think we can possibily do somthing collectively. But I know the members on this board are not very enthusiastic to do anything. There have been several calls before but nthing happened. As I have said earlier a month or so ago, we will need to have 4-5 strong united aggressive leaders who will have to come forward with atleast 50 or so supporters in order to accomplish something
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This may shed some light.

From the tracker FP monthly pattern

Month--Total FP scheduled--#FP for 2002 filers--#FP within 3 Months of filing
Jan 2002-------16-------------N/A---------------------5
Feb 2002------47---------------2-----------------------6
Mar 2002------66--------------11----------------------15
Apr 2002-------27-------------11-----------------------11
May 2002------17-------------11------------------------11
Jun 2002-------11--------------9-------------------------9
Jul 2002---------5--------------4-------------------------3 (Exception:KASIM)
Aug 2002--------6---------------3------------------------2 (Exception:ABCDEABCDEABCDE)
Sep 2002------None scheduled that we know of.
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