I 485 approved. Stamping question


Registered Users (C)
I got my 485 Approved, 03/31/2003. Received approval notice in mail 04/06/03.

RD 09/05/2001

Want to know what all will be done at the local INS office, when you go for stamping.

What would they keep and what we retain?

Anybody having information, please provide.
U need to take 2 photos as they mentioned ,your Ead,the approval notice & ur passport.I think these r enough.
They`ll take the 2 photos,ur ead & approval notice & they`ll get some finger print done at their office, that`s it.They`ll ask u to wait for some time & they `ll issue the passport stamped.that`s it...
Ur all struggle over!!!
All the best & congrads!
Thank you very much for your feedback.

question I asked because, when I went for stamping yesterday, the officer initially took our passport, stamped it and returned it to us, without even asking for any document(s).

I reminded her regarding the FP, then she apologized and had rest of the procedure done. I was given back my original approval notice, she kept a copy of it. PP is stamped for a year.

Due to the above confusion, I wanted to know the list of things they do at Local INS.

I am not sure, if GC approved candidates, browse this site, if so please share your experience. It would also help other waiting members here as a guideline, as to what is expected to happen at Local INS.

Thank you all for your support.