I-485 Approval -Unbelievabale

Wow I can't believe this. Though I must congratulate the guy but can't help feeling sorry for guys like PCee, Sillyman etc. What I can't understand is if they have to train why cant they go acc to sequence and pick up Sillymans case for eg and approve. That way the new person will learn a lot about RFE etc etc rather than just taking a new case and approving which is simple anyway.

BCIS suprises never cease.. but as long as its positive suprises guess its better than nothing.
this happened many times

Approx. 4 months ago my friend's case was approved in a similar manner. One lucky son of a gun. His case was filed in March 2002 and approved sometime in December 02.No, not an age out case.

I think the reason for this out of turn approvals is the "power of the attorney". My friends attorney apparently is an attorney representing a top IT company in Bay area. Her call to INS about my friends case kicked off the out of turn approval. Does this remind you of things back home that "influence" definetely helps in any country.
Re: this happened many times

Originally posted by Who cares
Approx. 4 months ago my friend's case was approved in a similar manner. One lucky son of a gun. His case was filed in March 2002 and approved sometime in December 02.No, not an age out case.

I think the reason for this out of turn approvals is the "power of the attorney". My friends attorney apparently is an attorney representing a top IT company in Bay area. Her call to INS about my friends case kicked off the out of turn approval. Does this remind you of things back home that "influence" definetely helps in any country.

But, its like, you pounding the enter button couple of times to reiterate your statement..He hear you..:p
I am having a very bad feeling. Ok they are trainging people, the 7 new officers?

What are they doing? My last concern becomes true. They jumped again by a even greater leap.

It really freaks me out.
Re: WAC-03-095 I485 status as of 5/16/2003

Yesterday I thought it was a hoax. Looks like its true (Kashmir's post).
INS does not have any fear of confrontation, thats why they do this.
This is Super Lotto.
Re: this happened many times

Originally posted by Who cares
I think the reason for this out of turn approvals is the "power of the attorney". My friends attorney apparently is an attorney representing a top IT company in Bay area. Her call to INS about my friends case kicked off the out of turn approval.

Pure BS! I work for one of the top IT company in the bay area, and my lawyer is definitely one of the biggest at immigration law. Don't see any of this happening, not just for me, but for anyone else working in my company. If this one single lawyer you are talking about was actually that powerful, believe me, all of us would be outside her door!
CSC is more & more like TSC

TSC is extremely slow and people get approved regardless of RD or ND ( FP notice sent ramdonly).
top company... big attorney
all rubbish !!!
before the law or bcis.....
They damn care for a call of an attorney

They will reply to call, but definitely not fear or make out of turn approvals

It is pity that people here believe things like a child :D:D
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