I-140 - No response even after 6 months


New Member
My I-140 petition is pending for more than 6 months at NSC,
when my attorney spoke to INS, they says it is pending "investigation"
please let me know any of you have such experience? if yes, what does this mean and how long will these investigations take?

I-140 taking more than 6 months

I-140 processing can take 150-240 days as per INS guidelines. This is for normal EB3 cases. For EB1 and EB2 it should be about 2-3 months. But this depends on the Supporting Documents submitted. That is why you need an experienced attorney to file the petition. I would verify all support documents filed with my i-140 petition. It is easy because you know best about your documents so just ask attorney how they filed your petition, go thru each item carefully(INS does the same thing) yourself and you would realise why is it taking so long. But you really can not do anything if you found some error however. YOu will have to wait now until INS responds and points those errors out. After that you can respond to that notice. Hope this helps??