I-140 for CP, applied AOS, lets track

My I-140 approve for CP recently and but applying AOS

Is there any way we can avoid delay, either by calling NVC or any formal procedure to do it.
spoke to IIO.

I spoke to IIO regarding my case. He said that the IIO to whom the case is assigned will request for I140. Till then we need to sit tight. What we can do is atleast check with the consulate whether they have the file in tact or not.

I noted a number which i wrote it down from one of the discussions in this site.

For chennai consulate : 91-44-811-2060 and have you I140 receipt number ready.

Hi eddyia

Is there a way we can stop it going to India. Because mine got approved recetly. But I am going for AOS. So my Lawyer say after some time he gets a letter asking CP or AOS then he can AOS and they will keep it here?. Any ideas on this.
Yes you can stop it..

As your lawyer said, once your lawyer gets the notice ask him to reply saying that you want to go for AOS...regularly check with your lawyer otherwise if the lawyer forgets to reply then the NVC will assume that you want to go for CP and will send the I140 documents to your home country\'s consulate.Hope this helps.

I too have i-140 for cp recently . . .

Hi vkml,
I too have recently approved i-140. Lets keep in touch. I am also changing to from cp to aos.
In any case, we should let the i-140 go to consulate. Did you talk to nvc? What did they say.
My friends told me that because of new procedures, there is less possiblity of i-140 going to consulate(for india). So let\'s hope for the best. I am trying to reach nvc, but it is always busy. No Luck till now. . .
I talked to NVC...

they stated that it would take 3-4 weeks for the file to transfer from NVC to INS, it is actual papers, not wire transfer as I heard before.
Did you request NVC to transfer the file.......

Hi 485almostthere,

Can you provide some more details on your case... Is your application with the NVC or at a consulate overseas.. What did you have to do to initiate the file transfer from the NVC to INS..

Here are my details from one of my previous postings..
PD: 10/31/2000
I-140 Approved: 09/25/2001
I-485 RD: 10/01/2001
I-485 ND: 12/08/2001
FP (NJ): 03/07/2002
Got EAD and AP.

Lawyer says she has notified NVC of my intent to Adjust.
NVC says my petition is currently sitting at the US Embassey in India.
Crossing my fingers!!!!!!

Can you give some more info please. . .

1. Did you inform in paper that you are changing from cp to aos?
   If so, when did you inform?
   a. Is it immediately after getting Approval Notice of I-140?
   B. Is it after getting the letter from NVC?
2. Can you post the format of that letter?
3. Does the recent new procedures of cp(sending back pIII back to nvc) help in stopping i-140 sending to consulates???
Just called NVC... Good news

They dont send to India until benificiary responds back to NVC. This is because of new procedures. All new CP to AOS file will be sitting in NVC itself. Once file is created in NVC we can write to them saying I am not going for CP.
When do you think the new procedures came in to effect.....

I just wanted to know if it applied even for old cases, like mine where the I-140 was approved for CP in Oct of 2001.

you can call NVC number is 603-334-0700.... I think new procedure starts from Feb 1st

Why CP to AOS

Can you please highlight the reason of switching from CP to AOS, my reason of asking is that I am rather thinking of going in for CP by applying for I-824 as I\'ve to send my family back bcos of this tight market. Please clarify if there are any apprehensions of doing so.

Will appreciate your comments...