I-140 documents from National Visa Center (central storage)


Registered Users (C)
My I-485 is still pending approval waiting for my I-140 documents from central storage. Anyone with similar experience and have got your I-485 approved please post your details here. My I-140 was approved for both CP and AOS and I have opted AOS.

marul - my case is similar to yours..

just spoke with IIO and was told that they requested the underlying petition from NVC, who (I think) forwards the request to the consulate abroad.. How ironic that they can\'t trust a copy of the approval, issued by them?
I asked,if there is anything I can do, she said, "nothing..you just have to wait.. until early next year". MY ND is 11/08, so going by the way they are processing, a request should have been sent around Sep..
best -- in one of your previous postings, you nailed it right.. saying that all our I-140

approvals, are somewhere safely in (chennai or elsewhere)and it would take atleast until Jan/Feb next year..
Any more info on this? Does contacting NVC or consulate help in anyway? Please respond, if you are in touch with any one of the two?

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rddec2000, surinj,

did you guys apply initially for CP? Also, Surinj, what is your RD/ND with year?
hello chapdin.

The problem, is that I didn\'t have a chance, to see the I-140 petition..RD 10/05, ND 11/08., needless to say yr is 2000..
I am still there..(ND/RD Dec2000)

RD: 12/18
ND: 12/29
I-140 AOS
IIO says all documents are with them and the case is with the officer.
No Title

My I-140 was approved for CP in Oct 2000. Filed 485 in August 2001. NVC would have sent my file to India in June 2001. Is this a big problem? Does it delay I-485 approval? Please post.
Hi RDDEC2000, Which company file your GC, just curious

I called NVC, They said INS has to request the file from Consulate. Then I talked to an IIO from VSC. She initially said NVC should request it from the consulate. When I mentioned, NVC told otherwise, she said she was not sure. I asked her if they can request in advance, she said no. Is there any way out..