I-140 concern


Registered Users (C)
hi everyone, i'm new here in this forum.
i hope you can help me clear my queries.
i would like to know why certain I-140's gets approved first later than your priority date than yours? is there any basis for the USCIS to this? 'cause i'm wondering some gets approved by 2 months and some for years?
and how true that if we call USCIS to verify the status that's the only time that they'll be opening your case?are they waiting for the person who filed it?like in my case my employer's lawyer filed it and they're telling that they're expecting my approval this october. how can they project such time?and why not earlier?
can i call USCIS and check what's happening with my application?
by the way i'm from the philippines and my receipt notice is WAC0408 received by USCIS february 5, 2004.
one thing more, what about those RFE's and FP? i haven't done any of those...
Do not expect any I-140 approval from CSC, unless we can do something...

Here is the sad news from http://www.immigration-law.com/

05/14/2004: California Service Center Concurrent Adjudication Pilot Initiation and Warning Against Abuse

We reported earlier that the California Service Center was launching I-140/I-485 concurrent adjudication pilot program for the concurrent I-140/I-485 filing cases inasmuch as it is non-National Interest Waiver case and filed after certain date. Qualified cases were supposed to be adjudicated in less than 90 days.
Apparently, CSC is concerned at this time that those who have already filed concurrent I-140/I-485 cases or I-140 petition alone may withdraw the pending cases to refile a concurrent I-140/I-485 case to take advantage of the pilot program.
AILA reports that CSC will not take such withdrawn-refiling cases qualified for the pilot program and will not adjudicate such cases concurrently. It appears, though, that such decision may raise a legal question of arbitraniness in administration of adjudication function. It may also raise the issue of "equal" protection and fairness. The agency may create a "class" without permissible legal justification or constitutional basis just as seen in the "Francis" decision. We'll see.
hi, can i call USCIS for follow up on my application?i'm a nurse on EB3 I-140 visa. pls. advise me on what to do.