I-140 Approved

Hi registrationid,
Trust me I am telling truth,
My I-140 was filed on Jan 13th '04
My I-824 was filed on April 9th '04
My I-140 approved on April 23rd '04
My I-824 approved on April 26th '04.

My lawyer needs to get the approval letters for both the cases.
I am not sure if I can go thru AC-140 lets see I am waiting for one CP senior to answer my question.

Talking about CP experience I have total 61 pages document which I prepared with the help of one CP senior, I can provide it if you are anxious.

That's all I have to tell.I will let you know my progress. Wish you all the best.
I am sorry to hear your case, but I think there is some thing really going in NSC as they are acting on the cases right away and I am sure along with the present case they will clear the old one also. Wish you all the best.

Thanks you for your support for my decision to go for CP processing.


Originally posted by vm1214
Congratulation bim, I am sure your head to toe parts might have got thrilled by reading\hearing the news.

You bet vm1214.
I trust in your statements. I don't know which statement of mine gave an impression that I don't trust in ur statements. I apologize if my statements gave that impression.
I am awaiting my I140 approval and since NSC is taking so much time to process AOS, I might switch to CP once 140 gets approved. Also, since u would app'ing to Mumbai counslate, I thought your case would provide guidance in the future.
In your estimate when would your interview date come through in Mumbai?
I was asking about the "urgent" cases since Mumbai counslate states that they give interviews based on receipt# only if the immigration case is urgent and/ or causes considerable hardship. However almost everybody who goes to Mumbai gets interview scheduling based on receipt # provided unlike Chennai counslate that needs the case to be physically transferred to the counslate.
Hence I was curious to find out the actual methodology being followed by Mumbai since you r in the midst of this process.
Congracts!!!!!! to all who got I-140 recently

some of my friends also got I-140 approved in 2 months.

The processing is becoming faster but all of them are non-concurrent. I wish you Good luck for all those waiting.

Please answer this

Mine was non-concurrent. If I apply my I-485 next month is there any advantage or disadvantage beacuse of the new Rule? please reply
Hi registartionId,
I am sorry, it was only just a saying as in the court of law "Just Truth and nothing other than Truth". As, when I am telling people about my approvals they are not believing me and everybody are getting stumbed, hence I quoted that way.

Sorry it looks it had hurt you.

I am waiting to hear from my lawyer about my procedings.

I am not aware if you have the knowledge of CP steps, here is my 2 cents advise

I am not sure if you have filed you I-485, if yes then wait till you I-140 gets approved and file I-824 to let INS know about your change of mind from AOS to CP. There will be some correspondence between you and INS about you confirmation.

I read your question posted in CP section thread, Well I advise, it will be good if you maintain Bombay(Mumbai) address, doesn't matter if your parents have shifted to chennai use someones address in Mumbai you can trust.

When filing I-824 you need to give foreign address (which is India address) give Bombay address so they will send packet or interview schedule or something I am not aware as of now, may be I can tell you later.

So after filing your I-824 take the receipt number and talk to you attorney and ask him for AC-140(Attorney Certified-I140) because Mumbai consulate accepts it and ask him to send papers to mumbai.

Then as it goes....

Originally posted by madhu69
what is AC-140? can some one please explain

AC-140 stands for Attoreny Certified - I140.

This is how it works (may be repeating what ever you know)
If you have filed you I-140 and I-485 and if you I-140 is approved and your I-485 is still in process then you can change your mind to go for CP processing by applying I-824 along with the copy of I-140 approval to let INS know about you change of mind from AOS to CP.

Once you get you receipt number from INS for I-824 ask your attorney to prepare his certification for all the papers INS has provided after your I-140 approval and send it directly to Indian consulate and then you get interview date and you to have to present there with the required documents.

By the way, AC-140 works only for Mumabi and Delhi consulate not for Chennai.

Please consult other seniors and lawyer also as I have a lay man's knowledge.
