I-140 approved


Registered Users (C)
Today I came to office after 1 1/2 months and found out that my I140 has been approved.



RFE-1 01/21/04 (regarding company's capability to pay me)

Hi Rustam

Can you please tell how did your lawyer handle Compnays ability to pay RFE ?

Your co has how many employees ?

whats their gross and net incomes?
Originally posted by Rustam
Today I came to office after 1 1/2 months and found out that my I140 has been approved.



RFE-1 01/21/04 (regarding company's capability to pay me)

Congratulations and Best of Luck :)
congrats - Rustam

Now we all should take some vacation....we would get approved at the end of it.

All the best.

Could you please update us how the ability to pay issue was handled, Was "Net Current Asset" positive for all the previous months (from your labor filing to the approval date..)

Re: congrats - Rustam

Originally posted by rajudm
Now we all should take some vacation....we would get "Net Current Asset" positive for all the previous months (from your labor filing to the approval date..)



Could you please explain further on this "Net Current Asset" and 'Positive for all the previous months'

Thank you
Net Current Asset

I am not sure how the net current asset is computed. An accountant would be able to help. The net current asset should be in positives i.e atleast greater than the specifed wages. I guess there should be lot of work around for this. I am also as confused as you.

A good attorney/accountant combination would be able to work it out.
Waiting for RFE

I can'nt wait to see what my RFE about.... damn.....I can'nt bear this tension. its killing me.
Net current asset

Net current asset = Total current assets - total current liabilites

Current assets eg: Cash balance, bank balance, receivables, deposits etc

Current liabilites eg: Bank Current a/c overdraft, accounts payable, outstanding expenses

Basically you exclude long term assets and liabilites.

Hope this clarifies.
Re: Net current asset

Originally posted by coolone
Net current asset = Total current assets - total current liabilites

Current assets eg: Cash balance, bank balance, receivables, deposits etc

Current liabilites eg: Bank Current a/c overdraft, accounts payable, outstanding expenses

Basically you exclude long term assets and liabilites.

Hope this clarifies.


What are the assests , account receivables in case of a typical Software Consulting Comapany (a small company with less than 40 employees).
Account Payables/Outstanding Expenses - Does it include wages/salaries to the employees ?