I-140 approvals after ohata memo

I-140 after April 30

Has anyone seen cases of I-140 (CP) which were filed after May 01, which have got RFE or have been approved. I am ready to file my I-140 and am not sure should I do CP or not. If my I-140 approval will take long, would it make sense to concurrent file I-140/485?

I have seen a lot of cases for I-140, which were approved recently, but all of them were with RD before April 30.

Would appreciate inputs from anyone

well back to square one, has any one seen any non rfe i140 approvals recently ? because of this memo or whatever all 140 processing seems to have become slow or come to a stand still. i am wondering whats going on. any approvals please post.
My RD IS mAY 7TH 2004 for I140-CP. Not heard anything. Only shows on their website my case as last updated on 05/12/04.

Not a hard date

Please remember that not only aplications made after 4-30-04 would be affected by Ohata Memo. Many applications filed since Nov03 or so had been transferred (when filed concurrently) to be processed the new way.

That is why we still see approvals of 140s for these months but not for April 04 and later. These will start to happend once they clear the ones they are processing from Sept 03.
the best part is none of these approved 140 applications although they are concurrently filed approve 485 also ? is there a reason for that or r they just waiting for some months to pass. leo seems to have all the necessary reasons to get his application approved concurrently. he has even got his fp done. which means 485 is ready for adjudication ??? leo any updates on ur 485 application ?
well to help this situation,Al-Rav, I suggest you post a message when your I-140 is approved..your case with a RD in may is ripe for research!
Hello All,
I'm new to this forum. I have filed for my I-140/I-485/I-131/I-765 concurrently during first week of May 04. My details are as follows:

RD: 05/07/2004
ND: 05/14/2004

When I go to my portfolio at USCIS.gov all my cases have last update date as 05/20/2004, but no change in the status messages.

Even though I was ready to file during April 04, I delayed my filing till the end of April after hearing about new concurrent adjudication memo.

I'll post any updates to my cases.
Good Point Iknowitall

That's a good poing Iknowitall. I hope you knew it all :) and could answer this...

At this point, I do not understand how once they approve a 140 and 485 is ready for adjudication ,they do not approve both at the same time...
That was the whole idea. The only explanation that I have is that this is still part of the old procedure and not the new one...

I-140 Concurrent

i think these are the type of I-140's for which i'm seeing approvals now..

a) concurrently filed I-140's for which RFE's were sent out (before Apr 30)
b) I-140 CP or separately filed- before/after Apr 30

I have not heard of a single case approved yet - that was concurrently filed I-140 (RFE not issued) i.e. was not adjudicated in one form or the other before Apr 30

Net result: I'm still waiting for the first case that technically is approved under the Ohata Memo..

i agree with all of u but than where does that leave us ? i mean will we have to wait for 485 to clear to actually clear 140 ? which could mean another year or so. remember something that the new rule came out in mar and was suppose to be implemented by april 30, 2004 but well there is no news of any approvals as yet. where does that leave us ? i am just worried that because of this memo or whatever we wont be eligible for ac21 also which could be a major problem.

by the way i again today heard of another approval from jan 2004 only 140 concurrent no rfe, its in another forum . ( "discussion of recent approvals ")
I-140 concurrent filing

'm still sticking with the Ohata memo theory... the approval from the other forum - he seems to have filed his original I-140 much much earlier last year, his I-140 filed in Jan is just a successor I-140..

i believe ac-21 is ~ dead for concurrent filers after the memo.... not to discourage anyone, just my own interpretations.... just so you know -- i've been on the "eagerly awaiting ac-21" list for a long time...but just being practical of late!!

Note: My I-140 got 'updated' the same day I-485 got 'updated' when my Fingerprint notices were sent out on 05/04 ---(Ohata!)

- MJ23
MJ23 said:
'm still sticking with the Ohata memo theory... the approval from the other forum - he seems to have filed his original I-140 much much earlier last year, his I-140 filed in Jan is just a successor I-140..

i believe ac-21 is ~ dead for concurrent filers after the memo.... not to discourage anyone, just my own interpretations.... just so you know -- i've been on the "eagerly awaiting ac-21" list for a long time...but just being practical of late!!

Note: My I-140 got 'updated' the same day I-485 got 'updated' when my Fingerprint notices were sent out on 05/04 ---(Ohata!)

- MJ23

please read this

My Case Details


Just to make this discussion a bit interesting, I will throw muy case details :)

EB2/I140/I485/NSC/AP/EAD : RD 16th Jan 2004
AP/EAD: AP 27th Feb 2004
Company got bought by another company on 3/1/2004, so had to file another I-140 with the new company name ( Filing as successor company using the original labor, did not pull out the original I 140)

New I 140 filing date: May 6th 2004
FP done: 18th May 2004

Lo and Behold : Both I 140 i.e original and the new one approved on 17th May 2004 ( Please note second I 140 cleared in 11 days of filing and 1 day before the FP notice, so much for the " O" Memo)

FP cleared: 27th May 2004 ( Status of I-485 changed , with Fp cleared blah, blah etc)

Moral of the story: Ppl who do not have the I-140 approved, have a optimistic view of "O" Memo, Ppl with I 140 already approved well we all know :), But again how it plays out is anybody's guess, I bet even the officers at NSC or any service center know whats going on. Besides there is not evidence as yet of any I 140/I 485 case approved togather, when that happens a hell will break loose!!!.

My 2 cents: I am happy as hell that both my I 140 were approved, any approval from USCIS is godsend. In another month 16th July 2004 I am AC-21 eligible. As for I-485 if it takes 2 yrs then there is little I can do, if its this year itself then its dejavu!!!

and look at his dates, its not much earlier last year, it was in january.
one more thing, i really believe that finger print notices and updates dont really signify anything, i have seen too many cases and people being swayed away by that. thats just a practice the service centers started following again this year , that is to send fp notices directly after the initial 485 review. i want to believe myself in the new memo (because i fall in that category) but i dont see it going into practice.
at least with respect to the FP notices - before Apr 30, I have not heard of a single case of I-140 getting updated the same day I-485's were updated with the message of 'FP notice sent out'.... In this same forum, i have heard at least 20-25 concurrent guys getting the same output after Apr 30--- so, just feel it's little more than simple coincidence!!

agreed. ohata memo might not be 100% working right now -- but it's the big topic today at the AILA conference and they usually talk serious stuff..

My guess is FP + Name Check - at best can easily take 10 weeks in BCIS time...so with all the FP's happening ~ May 1 or so....Ohata's real impln can start happening around July 15 or so....During this period, we might continue to see sporadic I-140 approvals - no idea, how they choose though!!

only time can tell - what's real and what's not!!!
Can any of you run a scripts just to check how many people got approved from Nebraska service center in MAY04-JUNE04 ?
Recently we are not seeing any I140 approvals from Nebraska service center.

i got fpd april 22, 2004 nothing got updated anywhere. my 140/485 both still just show last approved receipt date 02/20/2004.
I agree with MJ23,

It is too early to see what will happend re Ohata Memo. At least they are doing the FP now, very fast.

We will see and hope that in July they start to approve both 140 and 485 together. This is the only way they will stop the backlog to continue building, and then they will have to work on reduce the backlog they already created.



As per Fuji Ohata Memo, If we file 140-485 concurrently eventhough I-140 is cleared they won't let us know about the 140 approval until I-485 is cleared.
Is this true? Then what about AC-21? :confused:
