I-140 approval exceeds 90 days. NVC not created case yet.


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My I-140 was approved in November. I want to do Consular Processing. It has been over 90 days but NVC has not created a case number (they do not seem to have received anything from the INS, although I have a letter from INS stating that my approval letter was sent- classic case of "Not my Fault").
What happens next? Do I start all over (INS once again resends application and I wait 90 more days)? Anybody has any suggestions or has similar problems? Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
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You should contact the INS through your Attorney. They will not entertain enquiries from the candidates.
Originally posted by svm00
My I-140 was approved in November. I want to do Consular Processing.
Just a thought: I understand that you want to do CP, but did you mention that explicitly in your I-140. If not, INS might think that you wanted to do AOS and hence not sent your case to NVC.

It has been over 90 days but NVC has not created a case number (they do not seem to have received anything from the INS, although I have a letter from INS stating that my approval letter was sent- classic case of "Not my Fault").
What happens next? Do I start all over (INS once again resends application and I wait 90 more days)? Anybody has any suggestions or has similar problems? Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
The letter from INS clearly stats that they (INS) are sending my application to the NVC. The NVC claims that they do not have any record yet.
Like Raju595 said, you should contact the INS through your Attorney As SOON As Possible. I had the same experience. I don't know the reason but somehow INS forgot to send my approval even I got the letter from INS clearly states that they (INS) are sending my application to the NVC.
I am in kind of similar situation

In my case its almost 50 days and application has not been received by NVS, my company called INS last week, they said they will check mail room and give us a call back this week.

The problem is INS mail room is handled by private contactors and INS does not have much control on the same, thus the best way is to call INS so that they can check mail room.

Hope this helps
RuthChen: Re: I-140 approval exceeds 90 days. NVC not created case yet.


You mentioned you had the same problem. What happened after that? Does the NVC restart the process all over again (wait for 90 more days) or do they send request for fees soon thereafter? If it is soon thereafter, what was the approximate time?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I am in the same boat. My approval date is dec 12. But the file is still sitting pretty in Texas INS. The officer, who approved it, didnt forward it to next phase. But s/he is busy on another project. so it's just stuck there. I have called already twice, the person who answered me told that they can send an email to the officer and his/her supervisor. thats all they can do :(
I believe lot of officers in texas are pulled off to some special projects and lot of applications in several areas are pending for a while. This also could be related to INS becoming BCIS.

I hope this gets resolved in couple of weeks.
To svm00:
After 90 days, NVC still CANNOT do anything and only asks you to call INS. The problem is in INS, not NVC. Although INS sent you the letter said they would send the approval to NVC. However, they may not do it. My lawyer called INS twice and like cannon576 said, the INS officer who anwser the phone can only send the email to the officer who is really in charge. Finally, my lawyer sends the email to his supervisor and my approval reachs NVC. After NVC recieved my approval, they start to process my case like the normal CP process. SO... please ask your lawyer call INS as soon as possible and writes the email to the supervisor if possible. Good Luck!!
INS screw up?

SVM00, Ruthchen, abihitch,

Can you please post your I-140 approval date and NVC RD and which service center? I wonder whether INS screw up all late Dec and Jan case. Why I can't see any posting from cptracker for NVC received after Dec 30 2002? It only takes 20-30 days for NVC create case in Dec 2002. Or due to cptracker is down for a while, people did not post their information. Please inform. Thanks!

My I-140 approval date is Feb 25, 2003, CSC.

Approved I-140 on Jan 9, 2003

My center is VSC, through my employer I called VSC last week, operator said that there is a note on the system that they are looking it in the mail room and there has been no answer.

Hope they can move forward soon.
Got Letter from INS


Got letter from INS stating that they are looking at the file in Mail Room and will mail it to NVS.

Hope this helps.

Anybody with any luck with similar situation?
Re: NVC received case on Mar 04

Hi, all,

I just called NVC AVM. It typed in my INS I-140 case number. It states that NVC received my case by Mar 04 2003. Documentation will be mailed to attorney within 6 days. Does it mean that my case has been received by NVC? My INS service cetner is California.

NVC received case on Mar 04

Originally posted by mlin144
Hi, all,

I just called NVC AVM. It typed in my INS I-140 case number. It states that NVC received my case by Mar 04 2003. Documentation will be mailed to attorney within 6 days. Does it mean that my case has been received by NVC?

Yes, that is what it means. Your case is now in NVC Portsmouth, NH ready to follow the CP route.

My INS service cetner is California.

Finally, My case has reached NVC too. As I expected, INS had to disppear for my case to reach NVC.
AD 12/12/2002
NVC Case created date: 03/06/2003

I am planning to do it myself. so , i have to send a letter to NVC asking them remove attorney from my file.
How INS woke up?

Hi Cannon,

Tell me how INS did it, did you called them? Please share your experience. I am in same situation and have contacted INS in last week of Feb.

I am also planning to do my CP my own, who has to send the letter to NVC that the attorney is no longer handling the case, you or the company?

Your experience will help us.

Yogesh Kumar
The problem with my case is that my I-140 was approved on Dec 12, 2002 by Texas Service Center. But the officer who approved it, did not forward it to proper channel. Instead it got stuck at his/her desk. The officer was assigned to some special project, and i assume that it probably had something to do with INS becoming BCIS. So, Whenever i called INS, they say the petition is at the officer's desk and all they can do is to send an email to the officer and officer's supervisor. So finally on March 6, the petition reached NVC (after INS became BCIS).
When I called NVC last month regarding removing attorney from my case, they told me that I have to send a letter to NVC asking them to remove attorney from my case. Otherwise, the fee bill will be sent to the attorney.
Regarding doing CP on your own, there are several threads that discuss about all the forms and documentation needed.
BTW, my case may be unique. And your case might be delayed for some other reason like INS lost it in the mail room or the postal service lost it or something else. You call up INS(BCIS) or send Fax to them.
Hope it helps.
How to inform NVC if you want to do your case of your own

Hi Cannon,

I am also planning to do my CP my own, who has to send the letter to NVC that the attorney is no longer handling the case, you or the company?

I think you need to send letter to NVC telling them to direct correspondence to you and you no longer using the services of attorney for your case. This is what the people at NVC told me when i asked them couple of months back.
I wanted to ask in detail about it to a representative at NVC again, but a case number has not been created for my petition yet. So they are asking me to call after a week or so, to answer any questions.
When I checked with the automated response, it gives me a random case number every time I call. Obviously, for petitions that are not assigned case numbers, it gives bogus numbers.
I didnt want to wait a week and find out that they have sent correspondence already to the attorney. So I sent a fax asking them to remove attorney from my petition. I will call them again next week and verify that everything is alright
INS sent my file to STORAGE instead of sending it to NVC

My I-140 approval was in Nov 2002. The INS sent me a letter stating that they have sent a letter to the NVC notifying them of the approval. The NVC has not received the approval notice yet (its almost 4 months). I checked with the INS and was told that my file was sent to STORAGE and it will be at least 2 months before the NVC receives it. Anybody had this problem before. Does it really take 2 months???

Any help will be greatly appreciated.