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I-134 Can't Arrive On Time!!! Urgent*****


Registered Users (C)
Dear all,

My sponsor's document can't arrive on time. I'll be interviewed without I-134.
Will I be refused to get a visa ? Can I summit it later after interview ?
How should I explain to Consular ?

Please tell me about these
Dear all,

My sponsor's document can't arrive on time. I'll be interviewed without I-134.
Will I be refused to get a visa ? Can I summit it later after interview ?
How should I explain to Consular ?

Please tell me about these

those documents can be fedex'ed to ya and u can get it in 3 days. maybe ur sponsor can atleast scan copies to ya so to that u can have somethin to show while u wait 4 the original.
Thank you very much, Johnkent

Yeah, I will tell him to send by Fedex or DHL.
My sponsor hasn't finished all requirement supporting document yet. I worried that he send to me late.
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You can comeback to the US Embassy where are you doing CP anytime without appointment along with your I-134 form and its supporting documents.
Thank you very much, Johnkent

Yeah, I will tell him to send by Fedex or DHL.
My sponsor hasn't finished all requirement supporting document yet. I worried that he send to me late.
i don't know what country u are from, but if its nigeria, i'll advise u have it with you to the interview.
I-134 form not acceptable.

I had my interview this morning. My documents are completed, but I didn't have I-134 Form at the interview. My sponsor has just completed and
sent it to me today.
The consular asked me to give him the I-864 form instead of I-134 form.
(He cycled the I-864 form instead of I-134 form in checked-list documents)

This is the big problem for me cos my sponsor has already filed the I-134 form for me.

How should I do now ? I asked him to do I-864, but he said that he didn't complete it for me. I worry that if I bring I-134 form to Consular, he will reject my visa.

Please give me more advices...
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Why don't fill your sponsor I-864 and send it via UPS to you. Will take one or two days to have it in hands
Why don't fill your sponsor I-864 and send it via UPS to you. Will take one or two days to have it in hands
Hi Tazmania,

My sponsor didn't agree to file I-864 form for me.
He said he can afford to file only I-134 form.
He is not my relative or friend. He is just my friend's friend.
Anyway, I like him very much. We have no relationship with each other, but
he agreed to do sponsor documents for myself.

I think that I can't find others to file this kind of form (I-864) for me.
How should I do now ? Maybe I return to Consular back and give him/her the
I-134 form. Will I be rejected the visa if I do so ?
I don't see the reason why hr didn't file I-864 for you. From my understanding it is only an extended version of I-134.
I don't see the reason why hr didn't file I-864 for you. From my understanding it is only an extended version of I-134.

Hi Tazmania,

He said I-864 form is more responsible for him on me. He can't do it.
I'll have his filed I-134 form in the next 3 or 4 days.
Is it OK that I return this form to Embassy even if they cycled (Consular Checked-list documents) and required I-864 ?
My worry is they will reject my visa if I do so.
Hi prakit,

Just call them and say that I-134 is for DV cases as yours.

I-864 is filed for family based immigration.
Hi prakit,

Just call them and say that I-134 is for DV cases as yours.

I-864 is filed for family based immigration.

Hi Mak1z,

Do you mean that I have to call EMBASSY and tell them I-134 is
for DV cases?
In checked-list documents, consular has cycled I-864 instead of I-134.

I searched the forum and found that no one filed I-864 for DV case.
Why consular required difference form, not I-134?
I'll bring I-134 form to embassy. I hope that they accept it.
Yes, call them on the phone and explain that you have seen in State Dept web site that the form for DV cases is I-134 and if they could kindly verify that.

I am sure whoever circled I-864 has made a mistake.

good luck
Thank you, Mak1z.

I'll call EMBASSY to confirm about this.
Hope that they'll accept I-134 form.
I wonder why they confused about this field.

Could you tell me what references to tell them about this?

I'll you later about result.
Hi Pratik, don't bother. Had my succesful interview at 8am today without AOS and Police certifcate. Was just asked to submit them later and i'll have my pass sent back to me with the vis. But do have all other neccesary docs.

Am packing my bags already.

Thanks to everyone in the forum for the numerous support
1-134 is ok.

By the way i was done with everything in just 30mins. Was asked only one question.

Q, Why the US despite recession
A, economic cycle...an economy without that is dormant.

Secondly, i was asked just to present my high school certificate despite the fact that i hold a DEUG; BA and pending MA

Wish all upcoming 2009 winners good luck