I-130 Accepted...Waiting for next instruction...


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First of all, its been a long wait and would like to thank all of you who have provided me with support and advice. Reading everyone's cases gave me hope and I hope to hear good news from others as well. For me this has been an on the job learning experience and I hope I can help inform others with similar cases.

Secondly, now I am waiting for the next step in the process. My application was approved a few days ago and my approval notice has not yet come in the mail.

I am an American Citizen (born and raised) and my wife is located in Albania. I have been told that the processing times, after approval, should not be long for me. Now I'm wondering, does anyone have any idea what "should not be long" means?

In the meantime, is there anything else that my wife and I should prepare to make this process go smoother and quicker?

Thanks! :)

You can try to go to the website of the US Consulate/Embassy located in your wife's country, and check how long it takes them to process immigrant visas. For my country, the Philippines, it takes 12 to 24 months (I know! Too long). Good luck to you!
YankeeLegend I have a question for you. I also applied for my spouse who lives outside USA. i wanted to know how long did it take for I-130 to approved and did they ask additional information from you apart from what you sent in at the time of the application. Could you please tell me step by step process you went through. THanks.
^^Bubbles it took me about 11 months for them to approve the I-130. I wasn't asked for anything except for what I already sent out. It's been approved and since then I got my I-797 notice.

ilovethe80's, 12-24 months is way too long. I am hopeful that mine won't take as long. I tried looking for the visa wait in Albania but I haven't been successful in finding it. Do you have any link with such info?
Hi YankeeLegend, I'm sorry, I tried looking for it from the Philippine website but couldn't find it anymore. I remember looking it up about 8 months ago though, because I was then in a situation of choosing between doing an Adjustment of Status here in the US (despite my H1B expiration) OR going back home and waiting there. And I thought at the time that a 12-24 months of waiting will be too long to be apart from my husband, who is here. And that is 12-24 months from the time he becomes a citizen. He was just a permanent resident when he filed the I-130 for me. He became a citizen less than 3 weeks ago. I'm sorry if I can't find it anymore. The site must've been updated since I last looked. If I remember correctly it was in the FAQ section of the US Embassy (Philippines) website. So maybe it might be in yours as well. You can also try to ask your wife to call the US Embassy in your country to ask for processing times. Good luck!

^^ilovethe80's, 12-24 months is way too long. I am hopeful that mine won't take as long. I tried looking for the visa wait in Albania but I haven't been successful in finding it. Do you have any link with such info?
^^Bubbles it took me about 11 months for them to approve the I-130. I wasn't asked for anything except for what I already sent out. It's been approved and since then I got my I-797 notice.

Hi YankeeLegend, you said that you are a native born US citizen, and it took 11 months for the I-130 to be approved. Maybe those 11 months are already included in the processing time (Consular), I don't know. Our case is slightly different, only because my husband was not a US citizen when my I-130 was filed.

I should also share with you my friend's situation who is a naturalized US citizen and petitioned her parents to come here. It took them, yes, about 24 months, give or take, from the time she filed the I-130 and for her parents to get their immigrant visas from the US Embassy in the Philippines. She did say that there was one point in the processing when they had to send additional evidence so maybe that slowed it down a little. However, this is the processing time for my country, yours may be entirely different. I would like to think that yours much shorter (I've been told that the Embassy in the Philippines is notoriously SLOW).

All the best to you. Waiting sucks (tell me about it) -- but it's worth it in the end.
^^Yeah waiting does suck. And the closer we get to our goal it seems as though the slower the clock ticks. I really appreciate your advice. May be someone else, who has similar circumstances to me, can chime in.

By the way, I love the 80's also! lol
First of all, its been a long wait and would like to thank all of you who have provided me with support and advice. Reading everyone's cases gave me hope and I hope to hear good news from others as well. For me this has been an on the job learning experience and I hope I can help inform others with similar cases.

Secondly, now I am waiting for the next step in the process. My application was approved a few days ago and my approval notice has not yet come in the mail.

I am an American Citizen (born and raised) and my wife is located in Albania. I have been told that the processing times, after approval, should not be long for me. Now I'm wondering, does anyone have any idea what "should not be long" means?

In the meantime, is there anything else that my wife and I should prepare to make this process go smoother and quicker?

Thanks! :)

Wait it should not take that long i have a friend from albania brought her husband in the state in 12 months so i dont know why

Are you Albanian ?
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Wait it should not take that long i have a friend from albania brought her husband in the state in 12 months so i dont know why

Are you Albanian ?

Yes I am Albanian. All I have received, up until now, was the notice of action. I haven't hit 12 months yet so your comments are uplifting.

Would you kindly walk me through with what's left of me to do? All I have received was my approval notice and that my application is now pending (I think that's the correct word) at the NVC.
Yes I am Albanian. All I have received, up until now, was the notice of action. I haven't hit 12 months yet so your comments are uplifting.

Would you kindly walk me through with what's left of me to do? All I have received was my approval notice and that my application is now pending (I think that's the correct word) at the NVC.

oki i am Albanian too

edhe une e kam file per burrin tim

keni file tjeter aplikacion perveq i130 ?
oki i am Albanian too

edhe une e kam file per burrin tim

keni file tjeter aplikacion perveq i130 ?

Sa mir! Mum ke shenosh. :) E kam file i130 edhe g325a. Kur gja tjeter. Ma ka ardh i-797, notice of action vec mum nuk drejton cka me ba vec shkrua ne te se kan me lajmru grujen teme cka me ba. A kan me lyp ata prej mejet affidavit of support?

Ky leter ka ardh tash i jav dit? Kur, mas gjaset, vjen letra ne post te ajo?
Sa mir! Mum ke shenosh. :) E kam file i130 edhe g325a. Kur gja tjeter. Ma ka ardh i-797, notice of action vec mum nuk drejton cka me ba vec shkrua ne te se kan me lajmru grujen teme cka me ba. A kan me lyp ata prej mejet affidavit of support?

Ky leter ka ardh tash i jav dit? Kur, mas gjaset, vjen letra ne post te ajo?

qysh e di une ajo kunata e motres e ka marr burrin tani edhe 4 aplikacione duhet me i mbush
ti me von dot me tregoj se qka duhet edhe te tregoj por nuk eshte vetem i130 duhet
me qfar date e dergu i130?

2 Nenor 2007.

Tash jam ka pres per pergjegje prej NVC. Kam nije prej do rrobni se me fitua Visen prej Shqipnijet asht me shpejt se tjera shteta. Vec nuk kam mujt me gjet "timeline" per ket far rastet. Besoj se ne fillim Tetorit gruja ka me kan ketu.

Keto letra na kan qit ne pune. (lol)
2 Nenor 2007.

Tash jam ka pres per pergjegje prej NVC. Kam nije prej do rrobni se me fitua Visen prej Shqipnijet asht me shpejt se tjera shteta. Vec nuk kam mujt me gjet "timeline" per ket far rastet. Besoj se ne fillim Tetorit gruja ka me kan ketu.

Keto letra na kan qit ne pune. (lol)

ishalla te vie gruaja!!!

valla me kan qit pun edhe mua besom e kemi pas fatin atje skem qka te bejm
Hi guys, not to be offensive or anything. I do speak my native language as well, and enjoy speaking that language with my friends. However it will be more helpful for others who check this site and who have similar issues to yours to also be able to understand your insights/opinions. Just my 2 cents. :) Thanks!
ishalla te vie gruaja!!!

valla me kan qit pun edhe mua besom e kemi pas fatin atje skem qka te bejm
Hi guys, not to be offensive or anything. I do speak my native language as well, and enjoy speaking that language with my friends. However it will be more helpful for others who check this site and who have similar issues to yours to also be able to understand your insights/opinions. Just my 2 cents. :) Thanks!

Hi guys, not to be offensive or anything. I do speak my native language as well, and enjoy speaking that language with my friends. However it will be more helpful for others who check this site and who have similar issues to yours to also be able to understand your insights/opinions. Just my 2 cents. :) Thanks!

N/P. Sweetmeli and I can PM each other if necessary.

In the meantime, I have not yet received a letter from the National Visa Center since my i-130 approval. Should I be concerned?
Guys, can you share your timeline in English ? How long did it take YankeeLegend's I-130 to be approved ?