I’m APPROVED!!!! Still under the shock!!! RD 10/30/01


Finally an approval for someone active on the board!! Suresh, what did your online message say BEFORE the approval message ??

Enjoy your freedom

Yesterday at 1pm (before approval) my online message was the same old fingerprint one:

"January 31, 2002 we received the results of your fingerprint review bla bla bla..."

When I checked at 2:30 pm I got the approval message:

"This case has been approved. On February 12, 2003, an approval notice was mailed..."

Still can't believe...
Happy man now. No more hard feeling with the INS?

I complained as much as you did, I filed I-485 even a few days before you, why haven't I got GC? :D


Yes, still hard feelings for the INS.
I cannot forget all the hassle I've been thru, not only with the GC process but all thru my immigration history.

So, I pray to GOD for all of you.

As far as the INS, they are a bunch of incompetent people!



While we have had philosophical differences in our postings in the past, I am so happy for you (and just a little envious) that you have finally been approved. Good luck with the rest of your life now you have the freedom to control it.

Really, now I believe things can change in couple of hours.

Hoping for everybody.....something like this should happen soon.

My details are.....

RD------------ 05/15/2001
ND------------ 06/28/2001

Re: thank you!

Originally posted by suresh_colo

Thank you very much for your kind words.
This forum has been a blessing for all of us – thanks to the sponsors of this incredible site: www.immigrationportal.com.
Thanks to greaty-k, this bright person who put together the best site ever for immigrant applicants like us: www.rupnet.com
Rupnet has been our most and maybe ONLY reliable source of information since we can never count on the INS when it comes to accurate information/customer service.

I would like to apologize to you guys for being so irrational when posting messages in the last couple of days. I was really upset by what I was told by an IIO on Monday of last week.
When I called to verify the status of my application the IIO told me that they were currently working on August 1st cases. I then asked her if my case was at least assigned to an officer and she told me: “No, it is not. Your RD is October so your case will only be assigned to an officer in 3 to 4 months”.

I should have never listened to her. That’s why I tell you guys to not trust IIOs. The majority of them either lie to you or don’t have a clue what they are talking about.
During the whole process I called them twice: November of last year and last week.

As far as the AVM, just yesterday it said the same old message:
“January 31, 2002 the results of your fingerprint review for you I-485 were received and processing has resumed on you case. We will mail you bs bs bs bs bs bs…”

It feels really weird now. I still cannot assimilate it. It’s a different feeling and it will take a while to get used to it.

I will pray to GOD so HE can bless all of you that are still waiting. I will finally have a chance to start living my American dream without this annoying worry.
Feel free to ask me questions as I will be hanging here for a while!



Which is the nearest Iraqi restaurent there? I want to have a cheese burger and a thairu vada.:D