Hurray! ..Byrd ammendment Defeated

The news on immigration-law says says that The House version is passed by House committee and is due for voting next week in the House. Does anybody know what the bill number is or what are the immigration provisions in that bill?
I don't think the detailed house version of the legislation has showed up online yet but there is some bad news. Their version doesn't have the "recapture" clause.

Read this:
"These provisions now will be included for consideration by Senate and House conferees. The House version of the Deficit Reduction would still impose the $1,500 per visa stealth tax and would not recapture unused H-1B or immigrant visas."

I will post the detailed text of the bill when I find it online. Let's hope the conference committee agrees to the more favorable Senate version of the bill after the House passes it before sending it to the President.

The news on immigration-law says says that The House version is passed by House committee and is due for voting next week in the House. Does anybody know what the bill number is or what are the immigration provisions in that bill?

The bill passed in senate is S 1932 and the bill passed in the House is HR 1932.

The same bill is named with an "S" or "HR" .

The bill with "S" goes to the senate and the senators vote on it.
The bill with "HR" goes to the House of Representatives and the congressmen vote on it.

The two bills are mostly the same, but with minor differences. The differences are reconciled after both senate and House of Representatives approve their respective bills.

Hope that helps
Any update on House Version about Recapture of VISA Issue

Any update on House Version about Recapture of VISA Issue???

This is in reference to comment posted by gb04


4th November 2005 11:55 AM

I don't think the detailed house version of the legislation has showed up online yet but there is some bad news. Their version doesn't have the "recapture" clause.

Read this:
"These provisions now will be included for consideration by Senate and House conferees. The House version of the Deficit Reduction would still impose the $1,500 per visa stealth tax and would not recapture unused H-1B or immigrant visas."

I will post the detailed text of the bill when I find it online. Let's hope the conference committee agrees to the more favorable Senate version of the bill after the House passes it before sending it to the President.
4th November 2005 11:04 AM