I hope not. Just one person that too with an alien citizenship shouldn't put the entire country in trouble. We are already going through so much of mental torture and any additional hurdles in the way to getting GC would be unbearable. But you never know what BCIS would come up with.
"Opium of the society. I dont know who said that."

Religion is the opiate of the masses - is the quote; it is by Karl Marx, the citing of whose name may be reason enough to deny entry to this august land. So beware of what you say!
Funny thing is people whoes last or first name is that of his, then they might get hits in FBI name check...
Yeah, the last thing they want is issue a visa renewal to the guy 6 months from now, so definitely sucks to have the same name.
PS. I think that communist was wrong about the religion being opium bit (I guess he was wrong about a lot of other stuff too). On the contrary of religion being a calming drug, its the worst possible thing that could happen to humankind. Far more people were butchered in the name of religion than any other cause.
No SR List (hopefully)

The shoe bomber (Richard Reed) was originally from Sri Lanka and I dont think that caused SL to go on the SR list.

Shame on people like Lakhani.. Here we are trying hard to get in and facing all kinds of delays and problems and this guy wants to shoot missles at planes.... What an !@#$%!!!!
Maybe we sould replace stupid with Lakhani in the dictionary

What the jerk may not have realised when he agreed to sell those knowing that they would be used against airliners is that him or his family could be on one of the targets. Maybe he was hoping that the terrorists would send a list of flights he should NOT take as a sign of gratitude to their favorite supplier ;)
ill informed....??

hey, why you guys are spreading this mis-information and discussing this nonissue?? Be positive in thinking and dont panic like a kid...!!