[HTML][B]Urgent: Substitution Labor Inquiry[/B][/HTML]


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Hi Friends,

I need some suggestion. I found am employer who has an EB2 pre-approved labor for May 2003. It used to be a big company I guess, but right now I don't think they have more than 2 or 3 employees. Last year they had around 10 employees. I spoke to the president of this company and he says that he has around $100-$200K in their business account to support the documents for I-140. He was honest. He also allowed me to speak to the Attorney. I am not sure how old the company is, but as they have a labor for 2003, I think they should be atleast 5-6 years old.

1. Will I get any queries during I-140 approval?
2. Is it safe to go ahead and do my GC processing with this company?
3. Does the number of employees of a company matter in I-140 approval?
4. Is the cash in their businees account enough to show that they can pay me?
5. If I get any queries, what kind of queries that could be and how should I and the company be prepared to respond to those?

Your views and suggestions on this are extremely appreciated. Thanks a zillion.

I am not a lawyer therefore what ever I suggest is from my own understanding.
Now that I have that disclaimer out of my way , The number of people in the company does not generally matter as long as they can prove that they have the ability to pay. A friend of mine got his GC , when he was the only employee in the company (Apart of course from the owner).

But to be very sure , don't join the company until your I140 is approved to minimize the exposure to you.

These are however pertinent questions:

Are they still in Active business , paying taxes ?
Do they continue to process your case should the market go south and couple of existing employees also leave ?
Are they really as honest as they look/behave ? (Every one looks at their best when dating :)
Trying to get a bunch of money from you ?

You need to use your judgment based on answers to the above.
Thank you for your precious suggestions ForumUser. You made two good points on not to join the company until my I-140 gets approved and also about the company being still in active business by paying taxes. I appreciate your response.

Thank you once again.
