Hows Software Pundits Inc Burlington,ma


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I am thinking of joining Software pundits Inc. I am entering my 6 th year of H1b in a month. Please let me know hows the company regarding,
1. Job placement
2. Green Card processing
3.Do they support moving expenses
4.Do they pay during bench.
5. Did they ever revoke any h1 anytime for anyone
6. Did anyone leave the company because of any dispute

If you have any information please let me know .
Thanks for reading

All the best to you !!
I am doing sub-contracting with them

I found a project as a sub contracting with them. So far I have been getting paid well and on time to my company. I am not sure if that helps you.

Good Luck!

apoorva_padi said:
I am thinking of joining Software pundits Inc. I am entering my 6 th year of H1b in a month. Please let me know hows the company regarding,
1. Job placement
2. Green Card processing
3.Do they support moving expenses
4.Do they pay during bench.
5. Did they ever revoke any h1 anytime for anyone
6. Did anyone leave the company because of any dispute

If you have any information please let me know .
Thanks for reading

All the best to you !!

thanks for your reply.
If you can find any more information[may be from your employer ] It will be hepful. thanks.
I have a friend who works for software pundits. As far as I know she has no compaints at all.

They pay on time.
They started her green card process as promised.

Is there any possibility that your friend has more information? about the questions I asked before. Does she know anyone who got GC ?

apoorva_padi said:
I am thinking of joining Software pundits Inc. I am entering my 6 th year of H1b in a month. Please let me know hows the company regarding,
1. Job placement
2. Green Card processing
3.Do they support moving expenses
4.Do they pay during bench.
5. Did they ever revoke any h1 anytime for anyone
6. Did anyone leave the company because of any dispute

If you have any information please let me know .
Thanks for reading

All the best to you !!
Doeas any one have more information on Software Pundits ( ).
They have started my H1 processing. Any sort of information on these people will be helpful. Thanks
Job placement is not good

I have an Offer from them too.
I found through one person that They start processing GC and Pay you on time,but you will have to look for your own project after one ends.
They dont cover all the moving expenses and dont pay for a single day when u r on bench.
If u want to keep in touch email me at