How will you celebrate your GC approval?

Pork Chop

Registered Users (C)
i found a similar thread in the CSC forum and decided to steal this idea for our forum, as i thought things were getting far too sombre here.

so, share your plans for post-GC revelry upon learning of your approval, no holds barred.

i'll set the ball rolling: i think i shall indulge in bacchanalia of such magnitude that it will make dionysus seem like the designated driver.

in earlier times, i would have added debauchery to my ToDo list, but i imagine my principal derivitive beneficiary will look askance at that (at the very least).

in plainspeak: i will drink myself silly, and wish could've gotten a lap dance or too...

what say you guys/gals?
First thing i'll do after my approval is to enjoy the new freedom. Take a vacation maybe go to canada. All this apart from other celebrations.

Waitng for the thee day...

RD: Dec 6th
ND: Dec 7th
First thing i'll do after my approval is to enjoy the new freedom. Take a vacation maybe go to canada. All this apart from other celebrations.

Waitng for the thee day...

RD: Dec 6th
ND: Dec 7th
I would shout on the top of my voice- "HEY I AM FREE NOW", have lots and lots of beer and sleep peacefully like a log.:D :D :D
Some of the readers may disagree with this, but I will pen my thoughts just the same. While it will be a relief to be out of the clutches of a whimsical and fickle system, the I-485 approval marks a point of no return in many of our lives. Till that point in time, there is a part of us that holds on to the notion of returning home once some prosperity can be assured. Most of us begin the PR process with the idea of minimizing the downside. However, once this rubicon is crossed, there is usually no looking back as we tend to get assimilated, perhaps reluctantly but inexorably, into a system that is not very sympathetic, and in some instances, downright alien. The immigration process is a sieve through which most of us will come out with a new skin whose purpose is to obscure our identities and make us as inoffensive as possible to the majority.

I am not sure how the approval, if and when it comes, will make me feel. I have a dark premonition that in the end it will be a pyrrhic victory, that too much was spent in achieving it. I will perhaps get drunk silly just like Pork has said he will, but I suspect not because I will be consumed with joy and happiness.

I am sorry if this goes counter to the objective of mitigating some of the gloom from this forum.:eek: :eek:
I'd sleep like a baby, and I did! :D

All those years of delay had taken the toll on me, and took away all the excitement. When I got it, it's more of a relief. Happy, yeah...relief? Much more. Didn't meant to be a wet blanket but hang in there guys.
this is hilarious!! I so agree with some of you that indeed, this process, especially 485 after sept 11 has taken so long and has been so stressful that it's more of a relief than a cause for celebration.

I guess the main celebration will come after i become a citizen. A greencard is still a glorified visa, except for the fact that it allows you to change jobs and work in any industry you dang well please, which to me is the only cause for celebration.
I'm going to take a trip back home. I supposed I can travel on AP, but since my country is on the NSEERs list, I'd rather not. finally, I'm going to get involced in the political process. GC holders are allowed to contribute to congressional candidates and I intend to have my say on future legislation. Back home giving money to politicians is considered bribery, but here it's tax deductible. But before that a trip to Vegas is in order.

I am a little far to think of it now.!!!But def I will go on a peaceful trip to home(India)...Not thinking of lossing the job.(lately my company is laying off whoever is going on long vacations) me I am with my company for over 3 years and still have the distrust..
I tell my wife that I will book the tickets o the same day of the approval..

Pork chop...its a good thread man..atleast for the last 15 minutes I thot of getting the card and going to India etc....Home sick buddy......

RD sep 2002
Waiting for that day.


Celebrations apart, I am gonna do a food drive for poor people back in my country.

Hope we all see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Current Status is 485 Denied due to INS Stupid error.
Interesting thoughts

I found the lines from Sankrityayan very interesting. Perhaps because I somehow feel the same way and because I agree with the paragraph.
What I believe will happen to most of us is that the next minute we get our green cards we will set up our eyes in the next step, citizenship. Eventually, We will end up losing the sleep counting the days and doing research in the internet as to what it takes to become a citizen. Eventhough it takes 5 years before one can apply it will always be in the back of our minds. And then the pain will start growing all over again until we are actually citizens.
I remember when I came to this country 6 years ago. All I wanted was to get an advance degree so that I could return back home with some kind of "advantage" that would ensure a better job and better remunetarion. However, somehow I ended up staying always "one more year" and now I am in the process of getting my residency.

How I will celebrate...... I do not know, I will probably go to the best restaurant in town and have the best dinner I can without worring about how much I will spend or how much my savings for that house that I would like to buy one day will be affected.....
Yah! It's true that most of us are caught by the X = X+1; syndorme. There is no ending point. But some time it should happen. Where ever we are we should live happily.

I will scream out loudly "I am a free bird!".

I really don't know for sure whether i will wait and count down days for citizenship eligibility at that moment.


RD : 11/30/2001
ND : 12/04/2001
EAD : 12/31/2001
FP : 05/07/2002
RFE : 04/22/2003
RFE received by BCIS: 05/02/2003
here is what I did...

The moment I saw my approval on the INS website, i felt a wave of happiness that I don't think I have ever felt in my life... I had a party and all was great... Of course I now have other things to worry about, and I am sure I will have other problems and barriers, and the green card will not open all the doors or solve all my problems... But now I wont have to worry about it... How much is that worth??? I used to worry about it 5 hours a day for 3 years or so... What is it worth it to you not having to worry about the consecuences of not having a green card, the consecuences of being ilegal, or having to go back to your country and start again from zero???? What's it worth not having to worry about your next visa application at some foreign US consulate..??? I think a great deal!!!!
For a while I got so used to worrying about it that when I didn't have to I felt something lacking, like my life was empty .. It was weird.... I disagree with the person who said that a green card was just a glorified visa.. It is not..!!!! It's a green card.. Just the opposite of a visa since you no longer need one. For those who now start worrying about the citizenship five years before,,, I tell you "get a life" you guys are sick.. !!! worry about it when you have to.... Enjoy your new earned freedom... Start living a normal life without the I485 hanging over you!!!!
Even now that I no longer derive the same happiness as I initialy did when I got my green card, I do understand that not having to worry about it for hours and years on end Is in itself a great reward..!!!! Enjoy Normality...!!!
My earliest memoirs, I remember, when we used to travel 4 days (3 different trains) to visit my grand-folks living in a village. The excitement, fun, joy during this journey cannot be explained in words. Those were some of the greatest and happiest moments of my life which will always stay with me...........