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How to write my name?


New Member
Hey there, I have been selected for the 2025 DV lottery, Now I'm trying to fill DS-260 as accurate as possible, and there is a matter with name convention i need help with
I'm a Sudanese and we have no Surname or middle names in our passports everybody have 4 names in one line as your full name, Your name and your father name and grandfather and your grand grandfather name (dumb pic below will make it clear I hope).

In my E-DV main entry, I wrote my name as my first name and my father name as my middle name and my grand grand father (fourth name in passport) as surname, Now in DS-260 There's two fields given names and my surname, and i notice a tip says "Your given name includes any first name and any middle name that is listed in your passport" in the application, so should i write my three names as in my E-DV entry or should I write my full name: fourth name as surname and the rest as my given names.1715269336660.png
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