How to withdraw Asylum Application


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One of my friend was in USA on a visitor visa in 2002 and applied for asylum. His decision was held and he left USA and went back to his home country without withdrawing his asylum application. He overstayed his visitor visa entry by one month. He has return ticket and boarding passes and his country immigration stamp on his passport to confirm that he returned back to his country.

His asylum application was rejected by IO and forwarded to IJ. He never followed it up. Now, he want to withdraw his asylum application so he can visit USA in the future. How can he do that?:mad:
Before IJ, his case became a defensive asylum. I am not sure that he can withdraw it. I think that he has to hire a lawyer who will explain to the court what happened. The lawyer can also help him to apply for re-admission in US.
Good luck to him.
Hello all.
I have a similar question. Only is it possible to withdraw the asylum after the master hearing but before the individual??