How to prepone your FP appointment..


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How can one prepone the FP appointment ? The FP notice does not have the phone number of ASC ?

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How to get FP done earlier than the scheduled date ?


I want to get my FP done earlier than the scheduled date. I said prepone not postpone. Anyway, Can I simply go there to ASC and get it done or is there anything else to it?

I do not have the ASC phone number on the FP notice.
I know you meant prepone (advance) not postpone...

that is why I suggested that you just go to the ASC earlier than the scheduled date. Just have a plausible reason for wanting to do it early in case they ask. Anyway, where are you scheduled to do your FP. If Oakland, you may want to go to San Jose. Also, post your complete details. It will help folks in understanding and answering your question.
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  You can try going to the ASC earlier, as Dee Rod suggests. It all depends on your luck on whether
they allow or not. SFO has been quite liberal in allowing such advance FPs if there is not much crowd. Generally,
going around 3.00 p.m works since it is less crowded then.

By the way, there is no such word in English as "prepone". You either postpone or advance.
Prepone is a contrived word, being used in a colloqial way , mostly in India.
what\'s in a word?

Language is constantly evolving. You will find a number of new words being added to dictionaries and India has contributed quite a few \'Indian\' words to English language. As long as we understand what is being communicated, there is nothing to complain about.