How to make 100K per year....

Eventually, the only way to make big money is starting your own business.

One will never achieve true financial freedom working for someone else.

the book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy" by Thomas J. Stanley, William D. Danko, reveals some great interesting facts of america's rich and not so famous people.

check out this book, it is a great read.
Go for a right Biz, besides your job...It can give you freedom also...n help you to make ton's of money...Ambitious and seriously looking...Send me the details by mailing to me..I may direct you to some body..who mya help you...
Originally posted by india1972
Give me some good ideas about what to learn and which field has good in market interms of $.
Iam here from Jan1998 working for $60K-$65K on IBM(DB2) machines.
I don't think learning some new stuff won't be a problem at this stage.
Suggestions pls.

The best way:

Go to bed and have a nice dream!!
Here is my perosnal favourite :

Strip dancing in a girl's only pub in weekend nights.:D :D :D :D

Take it easy - happy holidays.
any ideas ...of perfect part time jobs ??

which would be may be around 3 hrs(evening after 6 pm ) on regular days and may be weekend any time.
how to make 100K?! easy.

1) make sure you are in the right place. seek new opportunities. do so quietly at all times. never settle.
2) project image of success at all times. nobody must know how much you make but they should understand that you make more than they do, because you are better. this should be so obvious to everybody that no one ever asks why.
3) be a brown nose, but not just simply sucking up to your boss. know people. know your boss, his/her boss too. know what they like, what they don't like, what games they play and who is their enemy. Be your bosses enemy's enemy yourself. Constantly point out to your boss and everybody else how stupid and bad are those enemies of your boss.
4) Tell people what to do but do it yourself. Do it quickly and don't forget to report to your boss.
5) Teach people how to do stuff. They'll rely on you later and you'll have an army of friends when you need them. You will. Corporation is a battlefield. You always have enemies.
6) When you managed to contain your bosses enemies make your own. Never kill your enemies but contain them. Or you shall loose your purpose (it happened to me once years ago, i managed to get my enemy fired and then quickly lost my purpose. when there is a confrontation, and there will always be one, people will compare one side to another, and for you to be a better one, not just a better one, but OBVIOUSLY better one, you shall succeed.)
7) Never forget who you really are. Those who surround you may be fond of you or whatever, but you should keep your head clear to yourself. you are a nobody just like everybody else, but don't let anyone know it.

When you are happy with what you make then settle down and then it's like a family. I preffer it this way.

I am not an innovator or an entrepreneur..but just an ordinary employee..i work in the alternative investments segment; specifically on hedge funds..and no i'm not a trader either!!..

hope that helps!!
Thanks INSFiles


I know some fun on the threads is nice. But I find some of the messages to be pretty offensive. (Like Schmang's)

There are many of us here who really want to get some good ideas. We'd appreciate it if you keep your wise a$$ comments to yourself.

Some ideas....

I am also eagerly looking for ideas for extra income.
But have some here.
These are some tips to maximize the savings from whatever you earn.
1. Write down what you are buying (plain list of items) before you visit any Mall/Mart/Grocery Store. Believe me; you will save at least around $200 after tax money.

2. Same thing for Phone Calls. Just write down whom you are calling/ how many minutes you spoke (kind of log sheets for goods and services :) ).
Remove all the extra options of your home phone. Now-a-days calling cards have excellent service. You can buy Sams Club Phone Card for 3.4 cents/min can be recharged any no of times. Every US Call you make using a long distance carrier, for every $20, you spend at least $10 in taxes, fees etc.
Save at least $100 after tax.
[ I believe above for typical family of 2 with typical phone bills of $200+ ]
There's a saying in Sanskrit -the gist of it is
"No matter what decision you take, just rethink one more time before you actually taking it",
So by looking at prepared list you will rethink the decision to purchase/call.

Please do not consider me a miser.

haa I was seeing your thread for last many days either U are very stupid or U have nothing else to do then post stupid thread like this. Let me ask U moran even if some one is making that kind of money he will not tell U or even if U want to make this kind of money U have to be brillant which U are not so stop and put it in mouth if U understand what I mean

U should be lucky that U have a job other wise U will be at Kmart or wall mart stocking shelves like your fellow country mates .......or worese come worse flipping burgers

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Do these things, that you have advocated, come from your personal experience?? Whether India1972 is brilliant or stupid, at the very least. he or she is trying to better his/her life! What are you doing? Stuck in the same rut as ever and because of that you are spewing hate at others and having no possibility of any scope for improvement!

Seek therapy, stop being angry! :)
My God, this guy is insane....

Hey twi485,
The posting by india1972 is lot better compared to your rated R(for content,language and even your username :) ) replies and messages.

At least india1972 started some motivating thread and soon here joins the virus. Alas!!!

Here's the deal twi485. If you are out of job/need money/need help/ wanted some advice/really have trouble through alcoholism,
please create one more ID in the forum(No body answer your message with this ID). Use clean language.Explain your situation. Do not attach all those personal strings like your religion, country, language etc. They are obsolete for our forum. There are thousands of educated,sane, cultured people watching this forum. I am sure you will find solution and live happily ever after ( and of course with out using that foul language. My God, I pity your wife man!!!).
Have happy holidays and looking forward to a brand new very good twi485.

I think you are rushing to the conclusion that there exists a woman who is so stupid and desperate enough to marry this twi485! :)


It is "shove" not shuv!! Don't ask for help there ... you will have to do that to yourself. That is how pitiable a situation you are in!!!
Thanks Guys

For posting your suggestions.
Iam not planned anything at. Just keep working on IBM(DB2) stuff for another year(up to DEC2003). No lot savings but OK for my family and can save some $$$$.
Iam planning to OPEN a GAS Station in 2004 along I90.
Do you guys have any ideas please post it.
How much investment i need????
How to find FOR SALE Gas station??
Hi india1972

Are you in Chicago/nearby?
Just curious........
My friends are trying too for Gas Stations For Sale.