How to know if H1B is not cancelled by old company?


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I was working with my old company with H1B. Then resigned in Aug 2001. Now, I am planning to enter US using the visa stamp with validity date Oct 30, 2002.

How do I know if my old company has not yet cancelled my H1B ?

What is the technical meaning of H1 cancellation? In such case, is the visa stamp good enough to enter US ?


cannot find out

whether visa was cancelled or not. When you enter US, the machine reading your passport will bring your visa details and if it was cancelled , then will inform the inspector ...
It is a risk.
is it "catch next flight back home"?

Thanks Jaxen :)

how big a risk?!

If the visa found invalid at POE, even with possession of a valid I797, do they ask to return home?

or the most remote chance, do they allow entry conditional that the person apply for visa revalidation/extension with State Department.

Thanks very much

Next flight home

or worse removed for deportation proceedings . Post 9/11 anything can happen.