how to do a 'motion to reopen' for denail of visitor visa

Can you expalin why you need to do that ?

Is your Extension application been denied ? From Which INS?

In my opinion ,

It's not worth to reapply Unless you have strong case (Reason) against it
Since Ins looks it as Case has been already addressed once and will go on different officer desk who will take atleast six to 1 years or won't reply if they feel evidence is not sufficient ;

Usually new officers won't overturn the decision of the previous officer unless you have strong case ;

Even though you reapply , still you cannot use this period as
" Application pending period " since your case has been addressed once and ins wont update your info untill they take decision on the case

If you feel that you have a strong case, then it won't hurt to review with lwayers wrt case ;

Anyway take your own decision ; Don't leave it in the hands of lawyers; As you know some lawyers say nothing is impossible

Hope this helps ; Good luck