how to deal with this inefficient attorney


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I sent my attorney all my documents for NIW petition two months ago. Since then, I have never heard anything about how the petition letter is going on. Evertime I asked him about the progress, he just said he was still working on my documentation, and this taked time. I don't know how long writing a petition letter is supposed to take. I am afraid that he becomes unhappy if I push him too much. But I am also really afraid that he takes me several months but finally give me a poor petition letter. So what should I do. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks.
Technically, the attorney office should need no more than 2~3 weeks to package your application, given all the "hard" materials had been prepared by you.

Make sure the attorney or at least one of his assistant is working on your case, instead of leaving it in their queue.
frank77 said:
Technically, the attorney office should need no more than 2~3 weeks to package your application, given all the "hard" materials had been prepared by you.

Make sure the attorney or at least one of his assistant is working on your case, instead of leaving it in their queue.

Thanks, Frank77.

This guy never gives me any suggestions on document preparation, and even doesn't reply my inquiry on time. So I really don't know how to deal with him. Give hime a deadline or complain to his boss?
kaixin said:
Thanks, Frank77.

This guy never gives me any suggestions on document preparation, and even doesn't reply my inquiry on time. So I really don't know how to deal with him. Give hime a deadline or complain to his boss?

Hve a chat with his boss about a deadline. Make sure that you review every piece of documentation that is filed. If this guy refuses to comply, I would fire the firm. This is too important for you to tolerate incompetence.
I dealed with my company lawyer for six months without getting anything. I sent her all the materials she asked for by FedEx. One month later I called her and was told she was opening the package. Then another month past, I called her again, she told me she was still working on it. Finally, I decided doing it myself after wasting six months of my time (not a complete waste since I obtained reference letters during this period). I spent four days preparing my petition and sent it way, got approved in two and a half month.

I know here is a lot of discussion about attorny. In my opinion, it just waste time and money to deal with a poor attorny. I am not referring to the good ones we know.
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kaixin said:
I sent my attorney all my documents for NIW petition two months ago. Since then, I have never heard anything about how the petition letter is going on. Evertime I asked him about the progress, he just said he was still working on my documentation, and this taked time. I don't know how long writing a petition letter is supposed to take. I am afraid that he becomes unhappy if I push him too much. But I am also really afraid that he takes me several months but finally give me a poor petition letter. So what should I do. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks.

Just tell him/her you are not satisfied with the performance. Ask the deadline otherwise you will file a formal complaint to bar association.
I suggest first not to complain, do these steps:

First, you should contact with this attorney privately through telephone, asking him/her whether there was any outstanding "excuse" for the delay.

1.) If he/she really feels sorry for the delay, then buy whatever excuse he/she will give you and give it a second chance to do it within a couple of weeks. And be nice to him/her, at least in the next couple of weeks.

2.) Otherwise, if you feel he/she is not really sorry for the misconduct. Don't argue with him/her, it won't help you case or time at all. What you should do next is to find a reputable attorney as soon as possible, and file your case as soon as possible with a new attorney. As regard to the mess of you current attorney, you should come back to deal with him/her after your petition is filed through the new attorney, through formal complain to get as much financial compensation as possible.
kaixin said:
I sent my attorney all my documents for NIW petition two months ago. Since then, I have never heard anything about how the petition letter is going on. Evertime I asked him about the progress, he just said he was still working on my documentation, and this taked time. I don't know how long writing a petition letter is supposed to take. I am afraid that he becomes unhappy if I push him too much. But I am also really afraid that he takes me several months but finally give me a poor petition letter. So what should I do. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks.
These are probably the reasons why people prefer to do self petitioning. Hiring an incompetent attorney may be more of a pain than help. I was also screwed by an attorney. But ofcourse there are good attorneys also.
Well, we all get screwed once by an incompetent attorney. Give him a deadline, if he doesn't do it by then, go to the office and request your papers back. In the meantime, file the complaint to the bar association. Good luck!
Oh yeah, I forgot the most important thing: find a new lawyer and search hard. Ask for references. This forum is a good start. Which state/city are you in?

He has promised to finalize the petition letter in one week. Obviously I will not be able to submit the files this year.

blue25 said:
Well, we all get screwed once by an incompetent attorney. Give him a deadline, if he doesn't do it by then, go to the office and request your papers back. In the meantime, file the complaint to the bar association. Good luck!
My attorney only took 2 days to assemble all my materials and write the petition letter, and the cases are approved.
Did you see the draft? How could he finalize the petition letter without having you seen the graft? I hate the word "finalize" unless the draft has been discussed many times.

kaixin said:

He has promised to finalize the petition letter in one week. Obviously I will not be able to submit the files this year.