How to cut the crap and get status from new NSC number...


Registered Users (C)
Note that this new 1-800 number talks a bit more about menu options available, to cut all that crap and get directly to the option to check case status do the following:

1. Dial new NSC 1-800- 375-5283 number.
2. Wait for the connection.
3. Press 1 FIVE times (now it is ready to accept the WAC#)
4. Enter your WAC (922-01-292-?????) number
5. Press 1

Now it will give you status with in few seconds...


PS: I did the following and it worked for me
1. Dial 1-800-375-5283 (wait for the connection)
2. Dial 11111-922-01-291-?????-1 (gave me my status)
By the way as of today my actual status, online status, AVM (NSC 1-800) status are same and current.

Thx for the tip pcee. I tried and it saved me a lot of time. (As of today all my statuses are also same, like they always were.)

Thanks for the tip. Works great and saves time. 800# and Online are the same for me too.
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