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How to check if CN is "current"?


Registered Users (C)
How does one know if their CN is current? Is there a place to check?

Also, with a CN of AF0005xxxx I am on the border of ever being current. Does anyone know if it's possible to become current in the 50,000 range. According to KCC, the person with my CN last year just got notified of their consular interview in August. What is the general consensus when it comes to the cut-off point for CN's?

Also, if I am lucky enough to get the intervie but for some reason I'm denied the green card at the consular, can I return to the US with my current H1B visa?

Go to the website of the department of state visa bulletin:


Then go to "current bulletin" to see if your number is current. Browse through the archived ones to get an idea of the progression of case numbers through the months and years.

There is no clear cut answer to your second question. However, you will most likely loose your H1B on the same grounds you are refused an immigrant visa.
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I don't understand the charts. Why does it say "current" next to some countries and a number next to Africa?
I don't understand the charts. Why does it say "current" next to some countries and a number next to Africa?

When it says "CURRENT" in some region names (like EUROPE or ASIA), it means that the U.S Dept of State has determine that they should have enough visa for everyone from that region (like those with chargebility code EUXXXX and ASXXXX). Therefore, everyone from that region who has been chosen to receive the visa will be able to go forward with the interview.

Meanwhile, countries like Africa (Changeability region of AFXXXX), will be put on a limit for that particular month. The number that you see on the right side of the column indicate the highest number of CN number that will be called for an interview for that month. For example, Africa has a number of 48,700 for the month of July. This means in July, people who will be called for an interview are people who have CN up to number 48,700.
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When it says "CURRENT" in some region names (like EUROPE or ASIA), it means that the U.S Dept of State has determine that they should have enough visa for everyone from that region (Those with chargebility code like EUXXXX and ASXXXX). Therefore, everyone from that region who has been chose to receive the visa will be able to go forward with the interview.

Meanwhile, countries like Africa (Changeability region of AFXXXX), will be put on a limit for that particular month. The number that you see on the right side of the column indicate the highest number of CN number that will be called for an interview for that month. For example, Africa has a number of 48,700 for the month of July. This means in July, people who will be called for an interview are people who have CN up to number 48,700.

Thanks for this very clear explanation. Unfortunately it's bad news for people like me with high CN # (AF00070xxx) :(
Thank you! That was a great explanatoin! Lucky people who live in those regions! I hope I'll get through :D