How to change the Lawyer


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Hi All

My current company is not dealing with the Lawyer , who filed my I 485 in Feb 2002. I suspect if I get an RFE will be sent to the Lawyer on record, who may not respond to the RFE.

I want to change the Lawyer, who can respond to the RFE. Please let me know the procedure to change the Lawyer. I will appreciate if some one can refer to a good lawyer in Bay Area,CA.

Thanks a lot!!
Its the duty of a lawyer to communicate with the client immediately if a need arise. This could be a ground of losing the license...

I think you are unnecessarily worrying too much about an issue which does not exist. Send your lawyer a mail giving out your current address, tel. number, cell number etc. (even if you think he has all this information); call him to confirm afterward.
Hi goodsaint

thank you for your reply. My worry is , My company changed the Lawyer. But, due to some dispute over money my records are still with the old Lawyer and are not transferred to the new Lawyer.

I want to replace Old Lawyers name with new Lawyer to represent my case.

You should give a call to your lawyer. Ask him if he is going to take care of your case. I am sure he would not like to let the business go. But, he probably will expect you to pay for his services (since he is no longer being paid by the company).

If you want to change the lawyer, retain a new lawyer, give him the number of the old lawyer. He should take care of rest himself. New guy will also guide you through the process (of changing lawyer and getting file from the old lawyer).

You may want to keep in mind that the old lawyer may refuse to give copies of I-140, labor etc. without the consent of your company.