How to call CSC INS and talk to IIO

Mohammed Yakoob

Registered Users (C)
Dear Friends,

I would like to know what is the best way to call CSC INS and talk to IIO. I always find the number 949 831 8427 engaged.
 I have called between 9am to 3:30 pm PST but always i get a engage tone. I saw lot of entries here that quite a few people have spoke to IIO . If anybody could share with me their experiences on what time to call that i might have a high probability to speak to IIO.
Thanks !
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Dear Friends,

I would like to know what is the best way to call CSC INS and talk to IIO. I always find the number 949 831 8427 engaged.
I have called between 9am to 3:30 pm PST but always i get a engage tone. I saw lot of entries here that quite a few people
have spoke to IIO . If anybody could share with me their experiences on what time to call that i might have a high probability
to speak to IIO.

Thanks !
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I have yet to hear from somebody getting real information and some progress on their case by talking with an IIO. I have seen mostly people confused by the contradictory answers they get after waiting for hours at a time on the phone.

I understand that talking with an IIO is important as a stress relief procedure, but don\'t lose your sleep if you cannot get through. Your application will not be processed differently either way.

In my experience having your lawyer send a fax inquiry is a totally different situation. One week after the fax inquiry there has been a change in my case status. A not-so-good-I-wish-it-wouldn\'t-have-happened change (interview to the local office) but at least this action had some visible impact.

Good luck!
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The only way to contact the INS is to redial continually for atleast half an hour. I found Mondays were pretty busy and later in the week was a better time to get through. Lunch time also seems to be a bad time. I had more luck around 2pm - 3pm.

Most times I got pretty useless and contradictary information, but the last time I called they approved my I485 as a result.
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Downloading Phone dialer software from cnet will help (remebered from the pevious postings) though I am not sure how much the talk with IIO will help(assuming U get thro the phone)