How To Apply urgent AP


Registered Users (C)
Dear Friends,
We applied for AP at VSC and receipt date is Jan 26th, 2004. We have attend my sisters wedding on June 2nd, 2004 But the tracking dates at VSC is showing that they are still processing appplications revd. on OCT 9th , 2003. See the link below:

1) Does this mean that my AP will not arrive before June, since the backlog is already >4months?

2) Can I apply for another AP just for my wife by some fast track method showing INS the urgency of the matter.

Thank you for ur replies
1) Does this mean that my AP will not arrive before June, since the backlog is already >4months?

YES chances of having ur AP approved b4 ur sisters wedding are very slim. But hey miracle does happen i saw that 1 guy got his AP approved in just 5 DAYS and it wasn't even emergency AP.

2) Can I apply for another AP just for my wife by some fast track method showing INS the urgency of the matter.
as far as i heard INS don't consider weddings as reason of emergency. If you can get any doctor's certificate about someone's health then INS consider that emergency. Then u can just go2 ur local INS office and get it approved with in a few

I'm sure you can apply another AP while 1 is pending but you MUST check with lawyer about the consequences coz if u leave US without AP approved that can leave a mark on ur 485 app. SO check with ur lawyer or other members on this 4 sure.
Read 2nd response on this thread FYI.

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Thank you so much for ur reply

Can anyone else help me out with regards to applying an emergency AP while having another pending.

Any replies will be greatly appreciated
Thank you very much for the link arp001

At this point, after reading many posts - I'm almost positive that I will not get my AP before June. There are members who have been waiting at VSC for almost 6-7 months now.

I believe my options are either to wait till AP arrives and then travel or get emergency AP for my wife(the consequences of which I do not know).

Looking forward to more information that other member might have.

Any reply will be greatly appreciated.
I am in a similar boat.

MY EAD/AP applications have been filed on 09/27/2003 and I am still waiting approvals for both. Its been almost 5 months now and they have still maintained that it takes about 2-3 months for processing these documents.

I have an India trip planned in April. So lets see how it goes.
GC seeker....when you do appply for emergency AP let us know the procedure.. it shouldnt be too hard to get a 'fake' medical certificate from India ;-)
Hi GC Seeker , sorry to let you know that emgergency ap is not been issued in many many local ins offices , i tried in many places but was unsuccessful , i had all the documents from india to submit them as evidence for emergency but the only way you will get an emergency is i am sorry to say this but if somebody in the family has to die ( this is a ridicouls thing i have seen ppl can only visit their country if some one dies , hmmm we cant visit to see ppl if they are alive) :(