How soon to apply for SS number after EAD


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Is it important to apply for SS number soon after an H4 gets an EAD based on spouse\'s 485?. She doesn\'t intend to work for next few months.
Do it ASAP

We applied SSN the same day when spouse got EAD.
They (SSA) give us paper that it will take 60 days to verify her eligibility prior they will issue SSN.
Does not hurt

My wife applied the same day. They told her 30 days. Even if you do not need SSN so urgently having one does not hurt. I think it is better to have it.
Does H1 to EAD transfer needs a new SSN?

My wife already has an SSN by virtue of working on H1. Now she wants to work on EAD. DO we need to apply for a new SSN for her?
No. SSN is valid for life......

She can go back to india and come back after X years and still use the same SSN.
Wife Rec\'d SS Card 10 Days After Application

My Wife received here EAD about 2 weeks ago, and applied for her SSN a couple of days later. She was told it would take 2 weeks to get the card (she rec\'d it in 10 days), but if she need the number before she got the card she could call SSA and get it a couple of days after her application and they would give it to her over the phone. All of this is consistent with the information at the SSA web site. I don\'t know where this 6 weeks thing is coming from but it does not seem to be the case.