How soon can the oath ceremony scheduled in San Francisco???


New Member

I desperately need suggestions! I filed N400 in San Francisco in the beginning of October, 2007, and got my fingerprinting done in mid-December. I recently received the letter stating that my interview had been scheduled on 4/30/08, which was much sooner than I was initially told it would take (16-18 months).

Here is my problem. In the beginning of this year, I left the States to be with my husband (U.S. citizen) who gained employment in Switzerland. My mistake was that I expected to have the oath ceremony to be offered on the same day of the interview, without doing enough research. Now I know that in San Francisco, it's offered 2 to 3 ceremonies a month, and I most likely have to wait until I receive a invitation letter for the oath ceremony.

Well, it's extremely expensive to fly one way from where we live. If I purchase a round trip ticket, I need to know the return date as well. If I am staying in the States more than a few weeks, I need to arrange for accomodation, find a temp job, etc, etc... So my question is, does anyone know if this is something I can bring up to the interview officer? Can they be flexible enough to give me the date earlier if they see my return ticket? Should I just plan to stay in the States for a few months just to be safe? Or should I just stay for the interview, come back to Switzerland, and come back again for the oath(which is going to cost me a lot...)? Did anyone experience pleading with the officer to obtain the earliest oath date?
Any information or suggestions are greatly appreciated! I need to purchase the ticket very soon...
People in this forum will be so happy to be in your situation. I am surprised you are complaining. You have mentioned both options, but my suggestion is not to bring to officer attention that you want to go back and hence need a quicker oath. Oath will be scheduled around 6 weeks after interview, check my timeline. Which address they will send oath letter. My personal suggestion is after interview go back and come during oath.Dont think about money during this process
Thanks for your suggestion. I decided to return right after the interview, and come back for the oath. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and the oath ceremony will be scheduled in 6 to 8 weeks...

I desperately need suggestions! I filed N400 in San Francisco in the beginning of October, 2007, and got my fingerprinting done in mid-December. I recently received the letter stating that my interview had been scheduled on 4/30/08, which was much sooner than I was initially told it would take (16-18 months).

Here is my problem. In the beginning of this year, I left the States to be with my husband (U.S. citizen) who gained employment in Switzerland. My mistake was that I expected to have the oath ceremony to be offered on the same day of the interview, without doing enough research. Now I know that in San Francisco, it's offered 2 to 3 ceremonies a month, and I most likely have to wait until I receive a invitation letter for the oath ceremony.

Well, it's extremely expensive to fly one way from where we live. If I purchase a round trip ticket, I need to know the return date as well. If I am staying in the States more than a few weeks, I need to arrange for accomodation, find a temp job, etc, etc... So my question is, does anyone know if this is something I can bring up to the interview officer? Can they be flexible enough to give me the date earlier if they see my return ticket? Should I just plan to stay in the States for a few months just to be safe? Or should I just stay for the interview, come back to Switzerland, and come back again for the oath(which is going to cost me a lot...)? Did anyone experience pleading with the officer to obtain the earliest oath date?
Any information or suggestions are greatly appreciated! I need to purchase the ticket very soon...

Typically in San Francisco DO you should get the Oath letter 2 weeks after your Interview and the Oath will be scheduled around 3 weeks after you receive the Oath letter, so give or take a minimum of about 5 weeks after your interview you will be scheduled to take oath.

Check the SF thread

SF oath ceremony dates are at;
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I wouldn't plead, as it would bring to the IOs attention that you are not a resident anymore. This could potentially complicate your chances of obtaining citizenship. I see that as a bigger problem than having to spend money traveling back and forth from Switzerland. On the other hand if you can plan to stay in the U.S. for a couple of months, that should be at most what it would take. My advice then would be to get a two-way ticket with two months of time, and if you get the oath done earlier just pay the penalty to change the date to go back earlier, that should be around $100.

PS: I am not an expert on this, but if your husband found job in a foreign company in Switzerland and you followed him, it could be found that you have abandoned your residency in the U.S. Be careful how you explain your stay in Switzerland if the issue comes up during interview.
Oath in SFO


I just confirmed with a friend of mine who went thru his citizenship interview in San Francisco last year. He just told me that the oath letter was handed to him that very same day right after his interview. He was asked to come back for his oath in exactly 2 weeks. This was sometime last year. I don't know if they have changed their system by mailing the letters now.
Yep, I forgot to mention the obvious ;) Please look at the San Francisco thread and go back page after page to see other people experiences on timing of the oath ceremony. However, the truth is that there are no guarantees when it comes to USCIS processing.

I just confirmed with a friend of mine who went thru his citizenship interview in San Francisco last year. He just told me that the oath letter was handed to him that very same day right after his interview. He was asked to come back for his oath in exactly 2 weeks. This was sometime last year. I don't know if they have changed their system by mailing the letters now.

This is not true anymore. SF office have been mailing the oath letters lately