How Should I answer Q-23 Part 10 on N-400


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Here is my story,
Five years ago, I was denied citizenship because of an arrest I forgot to disclose on my then N-400..Case was dismiss later...Receive a letter to that regard to provide a full background check before interview...At the interview, I disclose it and god is my witness..I just forgot about that arrest..Nonetheless, I was giving the opportunity to revise that answer..
On the decision letter I was told that I was denied because I lied about that arrest...
Now I am up again to reapply..Q-23 state
"Have you ever given false or misleading info to any us government official while applying for any immigration benefit or to prevent deportation, exclusion or removal?

Now that they made their mind that I lied previously eventhough, It was an honest mistake, how should answer to that question now??Yes or No
I am very confused...
your imput is appreciated...
Here is my story,
Five years ago, I was denied citizenship because of an arrest I forgot to disclose on my then N-400..Case was dismiss later...Receive a letter to that regard to provide a full background check before interview...At the interview, I disclose it and god is my witness..I just forgot about that arrest..Nonetheless, I was giving the opportunity to revise that answer..
On the decision letter I was told that I was denied because I lied about that arrest...
Now I am up again to reapply..Q-23 state
"Have you ever given false or misleading info to any us government official while applying for any immigration benefit or to prevent deportation, exclusion or removal?

Now that they made their mind that I lied previously eventhough, It was an honest mistake, how should answer to that question now??Yes or No
I am very confused...
your imput is appreciated...

At least do not answer NO (Answer Yes or levae it blank), then give a good explnatyion during the interview
I don't think you can leave blank.....

Did you actually lie or you forgot to disclose your prior arrest?

Why don't you answer 'No' to this question and attach a letter anyway explaining your situation and why you answered 'No'?

If i were you i would make an inforpass and ask the quetion to the IO. Make sure your take the full name of the officer that will advise you.

Here is my story,
On the decision letter I was told that I was denied because I lied about that arrest...
Now I am up again to reapply..Q-23 state
"Have you ever given false or misleading info to any us government official while applying for any immigration benefit or to prevent deportation, exclusion or removal?

Now that they made their mind that I lied previously eventhough, It was an honest mistake, how should answer to that question now??Yes or No
I am very confused...
your imput is appreciated...

you can answer yes or no but follow up with a note in the past 5 years NO but earlier once made a mistake .....
I don't think you can leave blank.....

Did you actually lie or you forgot to disclose your prior arrest?

Why don't you answer 'No' to this question and attach a letter anyway explaining your situation and why you answered 'No'?

Well it was an honest mistake..I was not trying to withheld this info from them...I apply in 2005 and the arrestt was in 1994...I totaly forgot about it...
Well it was an honest mistake..I was not trying to withheld this info from them...I apply in 2005 and the arrestt was in 1994...I totaly forgot about it...

You should have appealed the denial back in 2005.....
You guys rock...Wow all of the sudden , I have a lot of ideas...Thank you so much...You guys agree with me that this question was tricky when it comes to my case..I have been going back and forth with my wife about this for the last week...
Hey Guys I was going over the question again...It says..EVER...meaning the answer should be YES with an explanation letter...Now answering yes such a question could be compremizing...Debate
I think you should answer, YES, explain it and attach copy of their denial...You can not say No because your orriginal file is there
you can not leave it blank because they will return the whole application and they will say incomplete...
.At the interview, I disclose it and god is my witness..I just forgot about that arrest..Nonetheless, I was giving the opportunity to revise that answer..
What did you disclose at interview?
Also, how can you forget about the arrest if you were given the opportunity to revise your answer by IO at interview?No offense, but wouldn't you remember an arrest for the rest of your life, especially if it meant being detained by police and fingerprinted?
Well it was an honest mistake..I was not trying to withheld this info from them...I apply in 2005 and the arrestt was in 1994...I totaly forgot about it...

Unless you have too many arrest. If that is yoru only arrest, I can not imagien how you could forget it.
It is one time life expeirence. If I had an arrest once and only once, I would perhaply forget it if I lived to be 1000
years old. But with current life expectanbcy, I coudl not imagien how I would forget it.
What did you disclose at interview?
Also, how can you forget about the arrest if you were given the opportunity to revise your answer by IO at interview?No offense, but wouldn't you remember an arrest for the rest of your life, especially if it meant being detained by police and fingerprinted?

Maybe his life is full of dramatic expeirnces so an arrest event is nothing.
What did you disclose at interview?
Also, how can you forget about the arrest if you were given the opportunity to revise your answer by IO at interview?No offense, but wouldn't you remember an arrest for the rest of your life, especially if it meant being detained by police and fingerprinted?

Yes Mr Bobsmyth...At the interview, the IO asked me if was arrest or not..and I say yes..and he allow me to check yes on the question on the application and initial it.....Yes, about an arrest is for the rest of your life...but again, going though the application ...I just went on and check no...mistake happen...
Maybe his life is full of dramatic expeirnces so an arrest event is nothing.

Thanks for attacking my person..we come to this site to get advise..I am telling the honest truth of this arrest...what do you life is full of dramatic..experiences...I am a business professionl..making over 6 figure a year..married with two children..what are you talking about..because you got your citizenship gives you the right to blast at me like this..what is wrong with you???
I was going to write S...about you but I respect this site...
therefore think before you man..
I feel very hurt by your comments
Yes Mr Bobsmyth...At the interview, the IO asked me if was arrest or not..and I say yes..and he allow me to check yes on the question on the application and initial it.....Yes, about an arrest is for the rest of your life...but again, going though the application ...I just went on and check no...mistake happen...
So you did disclose the arrest at interview and were still denied?
Why didn't you appeal to the earlier denial? If you didn't appeal, don't you think you agree with USCIS decision and that you lied?
So you did disclose the arrest at interview and were still denied?

Yes Mr Bobsmyth...I did disclose it at the interveiw with disposition...I was not was an incident with a then girlfriend..and the charges were dropped..No pros..It is not like I went to rob someone like refering my life to be...
The IO made his decision base on the fact that it was not on the N400 from the beginning..
Looks like the denial decision was made by a supervisor who saw the NO still selected on the arrest question, since you didn't change it to YES.
Why didn't you appeal to the earlier denial? If you didn't appeal, don't you think you agree with USCIS decision and that you lied?

Yes I should have appeal...If I have this forum then yes I will...why did I ? ignorant at the time...Hope I have know about this forum them..yes by not appealing make it seam like I agree with the decision then....I agree with you..on that...

Any how..what I should, would, had, it is done...I am just looking for some kind of order to move forward with my application...
The past is the past and I can not change that..what is done is done..