How should be Baby Names ???????? Add your thoughts


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Give me some thoughts in to my consideration it might help may other Indians who are waiting to come to USA as immigrates too. As Indians the Fist name is very important for the children but in USA the last name is very important. So My wife have filed for Green Card and it is almost the last stage. Since she is a nurse she comes under the schedule A category. Now we are expecting a baby by the end of August so we need to get the passport done fast, but before that we need the name but we have the first name in hand and the confusion how to give the second and last name. My name is Babu K.S which means Babu Kuttarappillil Sebastian. Hear Babu is my name and Kuttarappillil is my house ( Family) name and Sebastian is my Father’ name. So as per in USA the last name will be carry forwarded by the next generation but in India the house ( Family) name will be carry forwarded how should I give the name for my child???? Is it ok with XXXX K.S or XXXX B Sebastian or XXXX Kuttarappillil Sebastian or XXXX Kuttarappillil Babu or any other suggestions which will be more convenient and easy to understand in USA and help for the Name verification in Future In USA. Please post your thoughts as soon as possible.

Babu K.S
babunicy said:

Give me some thoughts in to my consideration it might help may other Indians who are waiting to come to USA as immigrates too. As Indians the Fist name is very important for the children but in USA the last name is very important. So My wife have filed for Green Card and it is almost the last stage. Since she is a nurse she comes under the schedule A category. Now we are expecting a baby by the end of August so we need to get the passport done fast, but before that we need the name but we have the first name in hand and the confusion how to give the second and last name. My name is Babu K.S which means Babu Kuttarappillil Sebastian. Hear Babu is my name and Kuttarappillil is my house ( Family) name and Sebastian is my Father’ name. So as per in USA the last name will be carry forwarded by the next generation but in India the house ( Family) name will be carry forwarded how should I give the name for my child???? Is it ok with XXXX K.S or XXXX B Sebastian or XXXX Kuttarappillil Sebastian or XXXX Kuttarappillil Babu or any other suggestions which will be more convenient and easy to understand in USA and help for the Name verification in Future In USA. Please post your thoughts as soon as possible.

Babu K.S
First of all you should know your option here. Here, You can change your entire name including you family name.

If you want your Sebastian to be your family name for your future generation, then (Baby name) Sabestian. You can change your wife name to (wife name) Sebastian and your name Babu Sabestian.

You should think of your future generation which going to carry, If you decide the family name be " Kuttarapillil" how difficlt to others, even 2nd and 3th generation look real alien. But family name Sebestian is nice and simple Sync with americans.

Do you like your grand grand son to be called "Dr Sabestian" or "Dr Kuttarapillai". Decide your self?

My suggestion is let Sabestian (your) family grows in the family tree.
It is very easy to change the name in your pass port too